
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring is in the Air

Several years ago on my March birthday, one of my dearest friends, Carole, invited me out to lunch.  We had been at the Home and Garden Show just a few weeks before admiring the beautiful Weeping Cherry Trees.

While we were out to lunch, her husband and son planted this weeping cherry tree in my back yard.  Carole and I had even talked about where I would put one, so they knew exactly where to put it.l

The next winter, we had the worse ice storm in our history. The little cherry tree was laden down with ice and hung almost to the ground.  I did lose a couple of branches.

Then, the next two summers we had the most intense heat we have ever had - breaking all records at 118 degrees.  We watered and watered, but the heat was just so bad.

So, I was afraid the little tree hadn't survived.  Imagine my delight when a couple of days ago, it broke out in blooms.  I was so elated.

This tree is so special to me because Carole had a massive stroke two years ago.  She has recovered beyond anyone's belief.  She is such a strong woman and such a dear friend.

I love you Carole and my little weeping cherry tree!


Till next time, Judy


  1. What a sweet little tree! So glad it made it! Here's hoping we don't have another summer like the last few!

    Cheery wave from Bev

  2. The little tree that could!

    I hope Carole continues to improve with each day.


  3. It seems your little tree has the same strength and stamina as Carole. What a special and loving gift!

  4. Carol and that little tree are both inspiring, I hope they both continue to do great. Have a blessed week, Judy! xo

  5. She sounds like the sweetest of friends...what a nice thing to do for you.

    I am glad to hear that the tree is life.

    Back is slowly getting better, thanks.


  6. Hi Judy - I'm so glad your tree survived. It must have the same spirit as your friend, Carole. J

  7. What a great story, what beautiful blooms! So glad your friend and your tree are doing well!

  8. Karma. It was good karma from a good friend that brought it back to bloom.

  9. Weeping cherry trees have such lovely blooms. I hope your friend continues to improve.

  10. Weeping cherry trees have such lovely blooms. I hope your friend continues to improve.

  11. Weeping cherry trees are so lovely. We don't have one but I admire them every spring in other yards. I'm glad yours did survive and that your friend is doing so well.

  12. It sounds to me like your friend, Carole, is a survivor just like the tree she gifted you with. Maybe that is God's way to let hope shine through even when we think things look dark and a bit hopeless. Blessings to you AND your dear friend- xo Diana

  13. Hi Judy! Friends that share plants are truly special...I have a friend that went shopping with me one day and we bought twin Weigela shrubs and each planted them in our yard. I think of her every time I see mine, and it brings a smile to my face. So glad to hear your beatiful weeping cherry tree made it. Sort of like friends weathering the storms of life and coming out stronger on the other side. :) Have a great day!


  14. The tree is strong like your friend! What a lovely gift!
    hugs, Linda

  15. Such beautiful blossoms...and a beautiful story of friendship!

  16. Hallelujah! My husband and I always say, "Life will find a way."

  17. What an amazing survivor - actually, survivors - your tree and your sweet friend, Carole!


  18. So glad your beautiful tree survived Judy, so pretty!
