
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Alaska - Here I Come!!

Today I am heading towards Alaska!!  We are flying to Seattle, WA for a couple of days of sight seeing and then boarding the ship to tour Alaska.
I can't wait!  The photos sure do invite you to visit there.
One of the things I will be doing is this - zip lining!! Can't wait!
Hope I see some of these cute little otters!
Talk to you when I get back.  I'm not taking my IPad and/or my Laptop.  I'm going on vacation.
Be sure to visit for the Christmas in July sale starting on July 1st.
I told my husband this morning that I had some good news and some bad news - which did he want to hear first?  He said the good news.  I told him Oklahoma has a cold front moving in and the temps are suppose to be in the low 80's all next week.
The bad news?  Alaska is have a heatwave and the temps there are suppose to be in the mid 90's all next week!!
Oh, well.....
Till next time, Judy


  1. Oh I HOPE the temps are nice there for you and the weather forecast is wrong!!! :)

  2. You are braver than me riding the zip line - the height factor alone would do me in. :D
    Have a fun and safe trip!

  3. One of my friends and my BIL and SIL just did the trip in May and June. They had a great time. And my niece moved to Anchorage Friday. I think everyone is going there! Have a wonderful time!

  4. Have a wonderful time. Alaska was one of my favorite trips and did a whale watching day, which was extraordinary.

  5. Yes, I had heard that about Alaska having a heat wave! Stay as cool as you are able. They probably don't have A/C.:-( Have fun, take care, and stay safe!

  6. Have a wonderful trip, Judy, and be safe. Sorry to hear the heat will be following you guys :(. And you are going zip lining!! I am so impressed! xo

  7. Enjoy your trip Judy. I know you will have lots of tales to tell when you return and I for one, look forward to hearing it all.

  8. Have a great trip Judy - it looks fantastic! I'd love to try the zip lining too!

  9. You will have a great time, Judy. One of my best friends is taking the same trip in September. Take lots of pictures! J

  10. Every one I know who has visited Alaska has LOVED it! Good for you for unplugging from technology while you're gone. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  11. LOL- Which just goes to show that God has a sense of humor. Enjoy yourself no matter WHAT the temp is-xo Diana

  12. Wishing you a super duper time in Alaska and a safe trip.


  13. Have a wonderful time! I know you will and can't wait to hear all about it when you return!


  14. I just know you are going to love Alaska! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return. How ironic that it will actually be hot there during your visit.

  15. I envy you Judy! I've always wanted to go to Alaska, it's on my bucket list, I look forward to lots of pictures and stories!

  16. wow! have a lovely time there! enjoy and have fun! ;D


  17. Have a fantastic time, Judy! Can't wait to hear all about it and see beautiful pictures when you get back.

  18. Have fun fun fun! And good for you, disconnecting....enjoy! And thanks so much for visiting The Vintage Nest

  19. Enjoy your trip! Happy 4th of July!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  20. It was such fun to meet you and get a little chance to visit! Enjoy the rest of your trip, and have lots of fun!

  21. This is great post and thanks for sharing. The best time to go to alaska is in winter. So, book Alaska northern lights tours with us.
