
Friday, June 21, 2013

Vintage Linen Hand Towels

As you know, I love vintage linens!! I have quite an assortment of vintage linen hand towels - most of them have embroidery of some kind.
This idea came from my Mother.  She did this many years ago and I thought it was so ingenious!  One of those things that made me think "why didn't I think of that"?
If you have a wall on both side of your stool in your bathroom, simply hang a small tension café rod!  Then put your hand towels over it for show.
Smart, eh?
Today I had the pleasure of going with Brittany for her 12 week sonogram.  I don't know how those experts tell which end is which, but they assured us they were bunk bed style - one on top of the other.  She showed us their spines, ten little fingers and toes. Amazing.  We didn't do anything like this when I had my son.  Course, that was ages ago!
They are approximately 4" long and weigh about 1 pound each.  According to the heart rate, Dr. said looks like two girls!  We will have 3 under the age of 3! OMG!
Till next time, Judy


  1. 2 baby wonderful! I know you are thrilled and everyone is happy times two! Enjoy your week! Love your new banner!

  2. Well, we had three under the age of two! Our oldest was 20 months old when she welcomed her twin sisters! There were no ultra sounds in 1974, so twins were not anticipated. We were so fortunate to have no difficulties, and they arrived only one day early! Sending the best to you!

  3. Judy, your embroidered hand towels are so pretty! I have a deep appreciation for vintage linens, too.

  4. Oh, how exciting! Your hand towels are so pretty.

  5. Magic. Very busy times ahead with 3 under 3. Love reading your posts.

  6. Twins are so exciting. Love the sonograms although I can't tell much from them until later on!! LOL!

  7. Turning trash into heirlooms. What could be better than that :)
    R your latest follower.

  8. Oh my gosh!! Twins!
    You're so blessed!!
    Also... Those linens... All I can do is sit and say Ooooo Ahhhhh Ooooo Ahhhh... I want to touch them all!
    Tammy xx

  9. Love your linens. Twins! How doubly wonderful! Thanks for your visit today ...

  10. Oh how sweet - two little tiny girls - the fun will begin soon.

    I love the towel rack idea - with I had two walls to do that with - it is so very clever - and your hand towels are so sweet.

  11. Oh, those linens are beautiful...that's a great way to show them off!

    How neat about those twins! Is Brittany your daughter? When I turned 30 I had 4 under the age of 9! No wonder I have gray hair (under the blonde of course!!).


  12. So happy for you! Better get to work on those baby quilts!

    The closest I ever came to twin grandbabies was having my daughter and daughter-in-law in the hospital in labor on the same day!

    I can't wait for my next one but it will likely be a great-grandbaby for me. Wow, that makes me feel really old!

    Cheery wave from

  13. Your Mom had a smart idea!
    Congrats on the new little ones!

  14. hahhhaaa...I may have you beat...
    we had 3 brand new baby girls in 3 days..May I just say...AWESOME !!
    Our daughter in law had twin girls and 3 days later our daughter had her first little girl. They have been like triplets all their lives...they are 15 now.

  15. OMG is right. But babies are always a blessing, aren't they? Like the linens idea. Won't work in my bathroom though.

  16. Twins?!?! How exciting!!!


  17. I wish I had the space to do that Lisa, I love the idea!
    Congratulations on the twins! What a blessing!!

  18. I mean Judy! I just left a comment on a blog by Lisa!

  19. love vintage linen--great idea for displaying them! and two girls!...I don't know how people do that--4 boys here ;)

  20. Congratulations!

    My doctor thought my boy was a girl and my girl was a boy from the heartbeat alone. A later sonogram revealed the truth! :)
