
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wishing I Was Back in Alaska!!

Well, a storm blew thru Tulsa on Tuesday night about midnight and we lost our electricity!
We just got it back today (Thursday).  We were very blessed in that we had alot of limbs down but no major damage.  We still have to have someone come out and look at the roof - it looks like we have some shingles raised. 
There is alot of damage around.  Electric company called in 1000 from 6 different states to help.  Bless them all!  They said Tuesday night that approximately 100,000 homes were without electricity.
Do you realize how much we rely on electricity?  You switch on every light switch as you enter a room (duh), can't blow dry your hair, sweat at night, loose everything in your fridge and freezer?
But, still we survived and after an interesting trip to the city dump this morning to get rid of a truckload of branches and limbs, we are really thankful to have the electricity back on.
Oh, and by the way, we're suppose to have another round of storms tonight.  At least, we're prepared and know what to expect this time! LOL
Till next time, Judy


  1. Judy, Once we moved to this farm, we bought a generator. It's too scary without power. Maybe we need to invite a solar powered fan:):) Losing the frozen food is terrible. Glad you got the power back and hopefully it on't happen again. Take care. xoxo,Susie

  2. We have a generator also, but god forbid I would have to hook it up, I wouldn't have a clue! I hope you don't lose it again Judy, and here's to better weather.

  3. You have my sympathy - losing power for an extended period of time is not fun. You don't realize how much you depend on it being there until it is gone. Sure hope you don't get a repeat tonight.
    Hope you and Hubby are doing well.

  4. Judy so glad you got your power back on. Brenda told us you were OK but without power. I know what you mean about automatically turning on the light switch. Hope you survive any new storms with out anymore damage.


  5. I hope the storm tonight is not too damaging. We are supposed to have storms tonight, too. I am so glad that you are home safe and sound and that your electric is back on- xo Diana

  6. We do take it for granted, and it's needed. Here's to getting the power back on for all of those still without.

    Sounds like a lot of work to clean up.


  7. So sorry about your power. I do know how that is. We lost ours over the 4th of July last year in 98 plus temps. Terrible. We have also had two other times in recent years where our power was out close to a week. I feel like a pioneer some times. It's costly to replace food and to clean up the trees. I don't take electricity or water for granted at all.
    I hope this storm leaves you safe and sound.
    Hope all is settling down for you for awhile. I have been praying for both of you.
    COngratulations on being published. Not surprised because that dress mold was fabulous.

  8. So sorry Judy you have been through enough lately, you certainly don't need this We have a generator that runs our house if the power goes out. Out here in the stix it happens quite often. The trees are so overgrown that a little high winds brings so many branches down on the lines. Glad to year you made it through it.

  9. Thankful you are okay, sorry about the loss of comfort and your food. Hopefully the storm today will be a mild one - or will just dissipate.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  10. Yikes! Out of electricity! This week I had cable issues and no computer and I went nuts! It is amazing to think about the women of the past who had no electricity. We are a little spoiled. Glad you have power again! Take care!

    Cheery wave from
    the air conditioning!


  11. Glad your electricity is back on and yes, I sure know what that's like. Good grief, we're so dependent on it. As soon as the electricity goes off here, first thing is that I need a drink of water. :-)

  12. Oh, no! So sorry, Judy! I hope the power is back on soon.

  13. Lets move to a different country grandma!!

  14. I definitely realize how much we depend on electricty - running water, too! I've been without both at times, and it's horrible. We've never had our electricity out for as long as you did though. Ugh. Did you know your homeowners insurance will most likely cover the loss of everything from your fridge and freezer if you file a claim? I don't know if it's worth it though, depending on how much your deductible is and how much stuff you lost.

    How are you feeling these days? How's John doing? Love and prayers to both of you.

  15. I'm sorry that you were without power, I have been in storms and I do know what you mean, can you imagine living way back in the day?? I mean I'm talking little house on the prairie, I think God knew I wouldn't make it and that's why I live in 2013!
    I do hope you have a good weekend though!!
    Tammy x
