
Monday, August 12, 2013

Dark, Rainy, Nostalgic Day

Today, we have had dark, rainy clouds all day and more than one downpour of heavy rain.
On a day like today, I always want to stay in and do something creative.  So, this is a vignette I did today.
I had this old antique toaster.  My Mom always said they were for camping and using over a campfire????  Anyway, I had one and put a beautiful piece of old lace on the wooden piece in my entry and put the old toaster with a vintage photograph on it.  I added my book page wreath above and when it still needed something, I added a cream vase filled with old, tarnished silverware.
The vintage photo I used was one I have had several years.  I don't know who these four, pretty girls are but because I had three sisters, I was just drawn to the photo.
We lost my youngest sister, Jane, several years ago and I miss her so much.  She died at a young age due to lung problems.  So, you can see my attachment to this picture.
Till next time, Judy


  1. Sweet neutral vignette Judy. I have no clue how the toaster works. xo, olive

  2. Rainy days are my favorite time to nest... love that toaster!!!

  3. What a lovely vignette, good day to work inside creating. I am working in the carport today painting an old wooden table a turquoise satin.

  4. Such a lovely vignette tribute to your dear sister !

  5. Very sweet vignette. I never thought about using the old toaster for a photo frame, it looks wonderful!

  6. A very pretty vignette. The toaster looks interesting.

  7. Great way to use the old toaster. I was proud of myself, I knew what it was. It has down-poured here all day too.

  8. A pretty and creative vignette! Rainy here late this afternoon (lots of that lately), but nothing creative going on here.
    Have a good week.

  9. Charming vignette...I love how you used the toaster!

  10. So you have some antique relatives like I do! Lovely photo and fantastic vignette!

  11. So darned cute, i love your pictures, always so creative and always unique, thanks for sharing these photos and the toaster is truly a find...Phyllis

  12. What a great picture of those four girls. I am so sorry you lost your sister so young. I lost my only brother, too, and I miss him every day. Love your sweet vignette. xo Diana

  13. I have never seen a toaster like that; what a cool piece! I love how you transformed it and used it in a vignette. Very clever.

  14. What a wonderful vignette! So disparate and yet they go together beautifully. What an eye you have!

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with your vintage finds. I have so many right now I need to photograph and list.

    Now I'm off to go see what's new in your etsy shop.

  15. You made a sweet vignette, Judy. Everything is different but everything looks nice together.
    I always notice the hair styles on the ladies of that generation. They are pretty girls.
    I'm sorry you lost your sister. I know you miss her.
    It's rainy here in Virginia today. We really need it. I think I'll just do a lot of nothing today..
    Charlotte in Va.

  16. Really sweet vignette and it is fun to putter around the house on a rainy day.

  17. Looks great, Judy! My dad made toast for us with one of those in our camping days.

    Tasted great!


  18. And what a wonderful tribute to your sister, my friend.

  19. Hi Judy,

    I love the juxtaposition of the toaster, raw and hard and metal, against the pretty, lacy doily, which is soft and feminine and partly sheer! Sorry to hear about your sister. That must be very difficult, but I'm glad that this vintage photograph has meaning for you.

    Hope you have sunnier days!


  20. Beautiful vignette and a nice way to remember your sister. BTW we had one of those toasters growing up and yes we used it camping over the fire! J
