
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our 45th Wedding Anniversary!!

Today, John and I celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary!!
And they said it would never last!
I was a secretary at a big chemical plant and John came to start up the plant.  We went on our first date and six weeks later, were married in my folks home - 20 North Ora.
I am so grateful for the husband the Lord picked out for me and all of the years we've been married.  John worked for the same company all these years and retired three years ago.  As most of you know, he is undergoing cancer treatment now and I thank the Lord daily for what he has meant in my life and we are looking forward to this stage being over with and going on with the fun stuff!!
I've got to travel alot with him because of his work and we've had some real experiences.  We were in Florida watching the Space Shuttle take off when it exploded, he's taken me to Key West, Florida several times because he knows I love it down there, we've made several trips to Washington, D.C. because I know he loves it there and many other wonderful times.
There have been tense moments like when I knew he was in Oklahoma City less that a mile from the Murray Federal Building when it was bombed.  Thank goodness, other than being practically knocked out of his chair, he was fine and headed home.
But, I am very blessed to call him my dear husband!!
(Look how skinny I was and how dark my hair was!! )
And sadly, this date - August 31st - is also the day our precious Landen passed away.  So, this day is kind of bittersweet - one of the best and one of the worse.  But, we know that he is in Heaven probably running my parents ragged.  LOL
Till next time, Judy


  1. Judy, I'd know that smile anywhere. Happy Anniversary. I know it is bittersweet. I wonder why it had to happen on your anniversary? But maybe there is a bigger plan we don't know about. Kiss that sweet husband. Tell him if I'd managed to find one halfway as good, I'd have been one lucky woman.

  2. Judy, congratulations on your Anniversary and your life well lived. We all need to hear about the successful marriages. You two are in my prayers, have a blessed day!!


  3. Two sweet spirits were meant to be together and thats a Blessing to us all.. No doubt all you the love you feel for each other has spilled out into the ethers and touches more people than you can even imagine.

    GO AWAY cancer!!! and leave these folks to live joyfully ..
    Happy Annivesary and may you have many many more and may I also be here to wish you a Happy each year..

  4. ps..
    my grandmothers name was Ora,, Ora Mae, she looked a but like you also.
    Needless to say your smiling face always brings a smile to mine..

  5. What beautiful, happy smiles!
    Congratulations and have a wonderful Anniversary!

  6. Happy, happy anniversary! You looked so sweet - young and in love! You are still young at heart, and still in love!

  7. How sweet Judy:) You sure didn't take any time gettin hitched. So glad for you and all the years you have had together.

  8. Happy Anniversary, my dear friend. Love to you and John as you celebrate 45 wonderful years together, with many more to come. I love that photo of you both, it's simply beautiful. As are you and John. Thinking of you also on this anniversary of Landen's death. I know this is also a bittersweet day.

  9. Happy Anniversary. Beautiful love story. We celebrate our 43 in Sept. I too feel that I was blessed.
    I pray that the cancer treatments go well so that you can have lots more fun memories.
    So sorry for your loss of Landon. He probably left that day so that you would never forget him.
    ((((((HUGS)))) and congratulations.

  10. Happy anniversary! You were a beautiful bride! Hope you both enjoy the day and many wonderful years in the future!



  11. Happy anniversary ... Love your story... We are working on 44 with a story quite similar to yours... Praying all goes well and you celebrate many more together...

  12. Judy, happy anniversary, what a adventurous life you have had together. Here's to many more decades of fun together.


  13. Happy anniversary, Judy, with an extra hug on this anniversary of Landen's passing.


  14. Congratulations on your anniversary. What a beautiful wedding picture and I would know that smile of yours.
    My wish for you is many many years of happiness and John being cured of cancer.
    God bless,

  15. Happy, happy anniversary, Judy and John. What a good looking couple you were then and I know "we" only get better looking with age.
    So sorry it has to be a bittersweet day. Your Grandson was a gift for a short time in your life.. You'll see him again some day.
    Blessings to both of you for many, many more years of happy, healthy times..
    xxoo Charlotte in Va.

  16. Happy 45th anniversary to you. Don't you just love the old wedding photos, yours is adorable!

  17. Congratulations to you and John, Judy! We just celebrated our 44th.

    Also, sending along my thoughts and prayers for John's treatment and recovery.

  18. Congratulations to both of you. And you have that sweet Angel in Heaven to watch over you. (((hugs))) xo

  19. Congratulations on your 45th Anniversary. I just did the subtraction and we are heading toward our 44th. Stuff sure happens over the years and this one has had its tough stuff too. Keeping you and John in my positive thoughts always.

  20. Judy I am so happy for you and John! I love that smile of yours and it hasn't changed a bit! What a great life partner God has given you. Wishing you both a blessed day and a sweet memory of Landon also! Hugs, Linda

  21. Oh, Judy, how darling you look as a new bride! Happy Anniversary to you and your dear one.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Hi..Congratulations on 45 years of love for each sweet! Landon is smiling down on you both and loving you from afar up in heaven...You look just as beautiful today as you did 45 years your smile!! Carol

  23. Judy,
    You touched my heart with your post. Happy Anniversary. I can imagine it is bitter sweet when you have loss and a celebration of a wonderful life together all on the same day. 45 years is something wonderful to celebrate. Happy Happy Anniversary many more.

  24. Happy anniversary, Judy and John! And happy birthday to your precious Landen. What a bittersweet day this may be for you. I love your wedding photo - you're so pretty, and John so handsome. You still have the same beautiful smile. :-)

  25. Dearest Judy,

    Oh my, what a lovely lovely couple you two made/make! You were the most adorable bride! I LOVE the utter happiness on both your faces - I mean, that is just sheer joy!

    I wish you a truly very happy anniversary - may this next year be filled with good health, peace, laughter and love.

    I think you said the key to marital success: The Lord. Makes all the difference!

    God bless! Thank you so much for popping over! Hugs.

  26. Happy Anniversary to you both. Wishing John a speedy recovery so you can get on and enjoy more good times together.

  27. Happy Anniversary Judy! You two have a beautiful story. Sending prayers your way for this period in your lives to pass so that you two can get onto to the fun stuff. Xoxo

  28. Happy Anniversary to you and your dear husband, Judy! Such a happy picture of the two of you.....and what a success your marriage is! Loved seeing that big warm smile and reading your story. Wishing you all good things for the future together.
    Helen x

  29. Judy, Happy Anniversary! A wonderful achievement to have 45 years with someone you love. Thank you for sharing so much. Continued blessings!

  30. Happy Anniversary! You sure make a cute couple.

  31. Happy Anniversary. I sure love seeing the photo of the two of you! Sending you an extra hug!

  32. Happy Anniversary a day late. Hope it was better than bittersweet, but I understand.
    Deb W

  33. Happy Anniversary! Love the picture of you both!!! Prayers for your sweet hubby...

  34. Happy Anniversary! May the Lord bless you both with anything and everything that your hearts desire....together with better health, loads of happiness and laughter.

    Giant hugs from warm Malaysia


  35. 45 years. congratulations! you have a brilliant smile! :) good luck to your husband in his cancer fight. bless you both with many more happy memories and years of love!

    p.s. thank you for finding my spot and leaving a comment the other day. really appreciate it! :)

  36. i just read about landen. bless you all...

  37. Judy, you are just as Beautiful now, as you were then!!!! Happy Anniversary to you and John. :-) I hope that you have many, many more Wonderful Anniversary's.
    I am very sorry for the loss of your Beloved Landen. Please Take Care, I hope that John is feeling better and that ALL of your Family is well.

  38. This is such a beautiful photo, Judy. A very happy anniversary to you and your sweet hubby. I'm so very sorry about little Landen. It's sad how this date is connected to such happy memories and such heartbreaking ones as well. Sending get well wishes to your hubby and a hug to you sweet friend. xo

  39. Belated congratulations to you both and many many more.

  40. Belated congratulations to you both and many many more.
