
Monday, May 12, 2014

Acts of Kindness

"Be kind
for everyone you meet
is fighting a battle
you know nothing about!"
Don't know where this quote came from but I had it written down on a journal and ran across it today.  I thought to myself that I don't know anyone who is not fighting nor has had a major battle in their lives.  Some people prefer to not talk about their battles and some do.  But we all have them.
When I started blogging, I told Brenda that if anyone ever said anything negative about my blog, I would just die!!  I have been very fortunate that it has not happened yet.  I think reading some comments with negative reactions is what made me think about this.
"No act of kindness is ever wasted"
Does it hurt to compliment someone out of the clear blue sky?  You never know what is going on in someone else's life at the time and maybe just a slight word of encouragement would make their day much brighter.
I didn't realize when someone gave me a nice compliment on
something I did on my blog how it would make me feel.  I was so elated and thrilled.  I thought - someone really likes me and my blog.   I have had readers do that and I just want them to know how much it is appreciated.
There are so many acts of kindness that we can do that would probably make someone else feel so much better.  We just don't realize the shape some people's lives are in.  So, I guess the moral of this post is to go out and do an act of kindness for someone else.
Won't you please?


  1. Great idea! Like buying someone's coffee or sending an email full of praise and encouragement. Always good karma.

  2. random acts of kindness, a good thing,

    yes, good karma,

  3. What a wonderful world this would be if we all practiced this Judy. It starts with one and multiplies so quickly. Lovely reminder!

  4. I practice this all the time. A smile and an encouraging word to a cashier or waitress can make all the difference in their very long day. I know that acts of kindness make a difference to me! YOU Judy are a very kind lady!

  5. I try to do this....maybe it is just a word....but the Lord has given me so much, I surely can pass on a little.

  6. I've often heard, "Hurting people hurt people." My daddy always said to make allowances for everyone.

  7. I agree - I do random acts of kindness when possible.
    I also agree with the saying "If you can't anything nice, don't say anything at all".

  8. Amen, Judy! Thanks for the reminder.

  9. This is such an excellent post. I feel just like you, visitors to our blogs are so welcome and comments really lift my spirits for sure. I do look for opportunities to do random acts of kindness and I have to say it feels great when I do help someone out. Someone did one for me recently when I didn't have exact change in the car park - I had asked if she could change some coins for me and she said, let me get it for you and just bought the ticket ignoring my protest! Betty

  10. Bonjour, reading this post about kindness and compliment did me some good this morning. I can totally relate to what you have written. Discovering your blog is a nice present for me from Jen @muddybootdreams.
    Have a nice day.

  11. I used to be on FB. My very best internet friend made a cruel comment over the phone regarding a post/picture BEFORE she realized it was me. For whatever inner reason, it changed my opinion of her and I let our friendship fall away.

    People don't know what battles others are fighting, but they don't know what other's insecurities are.

    Your blog oozes friendliness and I love my visits here and vow in the future to post a comment every time you post. You find the time to be cheerful and I will remind you that you are greatly appreciated.

    Have a wonderful day.
    xx, Carol

  12. Making blog friends, like you has been such a blessing to me. I love praying for my friends and sharing what they blog about. I'm a cheerful person and describe my blog style as happy blogging....but I have problems just like everyone else. What a difference it makes to have friends that care! Enjoy your day, sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

  13. Judy, I try my best to compliment people...even those I just see at a counter waiting in line. What does it hurt to be kind, especially with words. We all could use a kind word every now and then. Some times, I tell kids, I like your shoes or hair ribbons. Once I told a young man, I like your hair cut(there was a shape of a hand craved in it). He told me his brother cut his hair and he walked away smiling like crazy. xoxo,Susie

  14. Judy, you are one of the kindest bloggers I know. Have a lovely day,

  15. Thanks for that gentle reminder Judy! A little good karma goes a long way doesn't it! ;)

  16. I always think I can find one thing to compliment someone about, could be their haircut, a scarf, their smile, whatever. I know if someone compliments me, it brightens my day, so why not bring joy to others?

  17. You are the perfect example of someone always kind, Judy. You also couldn't be more right that you never know how what is said can make or break someone's day. At the check out in the grocery store, I'm always careful to compliment the checker and bagger. They must get their share of grief throughout the day. I was a secretary for 35 years and so it's made me very aware of any kind of service people. I always take time to write good reviews or seek out the boss when I get good service.

  18. A very good message, Judy.

  19. I love your blog, Judy! I think some of these people who make such negative or thoughtless comments weren't taught at an early age: "if you don't have something nice to say, then say nothing."

  20. Judy, what a wonderful blog today! You have a kind heart!
    I am still sending prayers for John and also for caretaker you. Hope John's health improves rapidly.

  21. Judy, quick story: A man and two children ages 4 and 6 were on a bus. The man was sitting quietly, looking a bit sad, but the children were yelling, crying, and not staying in their seat. One lady was becoming quite annoyed and she said rudely to the man "can't you discipline and control such bad children?"
    The man looked up startled, and was suddenly brought back to what was going on with the children. He replied to her, "i am so sorry mam, I just buried their mother today and they still don't understand.
    We never know what is going on in someone's life. A kind word, a smile goes a long way. We love you, sweet Judy.

  22. Very good advice and encouragement from you! Just a little bitty something can mean so much sometimes. I recently put you on my "Blogs you might enjoy" list.

  23. Hi Judy,
    This is so good.
    Thank you for posting.
    xx oo

  24. Hi Judy, your lovely post is full of such true to life words.

    It's funny, but your first quote has been echoing in my head for the last few days. I was trying to work it into a post from the other day...and didn't get around to it.

    But it's such a good thing to remember. Especially in blogland.

    There have been lots of discussion about commenting etiquette on my posts lately...some of them well... I think we need to refer to the first quote here. Maybe there is a reason why the blogger couldn't return the comment.


  25. I couldn't agree more. Saying something nice to someone might be the difference between a horrible day and a good one. And, kind word cost nothing.

    Thanks for reminding us to be nice to everyone.

  26. Judy, your one of the kindest most thoughtful people I've ever run across. I am reminded to pay it forward everyday. Everyone loved their Mother's Day pillow's, especially me!! Thank you for being you !!!

  27. A great quote, and so true! Random acts of kindness are so heart warming!! And such a small thing to do but can really mean so much.
    Helen xox

  28. It's true, you never know how things you say affect someone. Lately I've gotten irritated at some business people and maybe spoken a little sharply, but, fortunately, I have realized that it's more my problem than their incompetence and have apologized right away. Kindness is really the best way.

  29. I'm just getting to know you through blogging and I have to say that you are my kind of person! I love your cheerfulness and good heart. Your thoughts in this post are spot on. A little kindness can go a long way and the quote is so true.

  30. So very, very true Judy; we never know the struggles and pain that others are dealing with. So to you I say thank you for your kindness, your lovely blog and for reminding us all that kindness DOES matter. Deb

  31. I agree. It doesn't take any more effort to say something nice than it does something bad either. We should all be mindful of our words. I'm careful not to say anything negative on comments.

  32. You always track down the neatest things, Judy! Although I have similar salt and pepper shakers, I probably could not resist these. The tiny white shelf is TOO cute! Would love to see you and Brenda in action, as I've said before!


  33. I bought someones coffee at Starbucks the other day before church. Does that count grandma?? LOL

  34. Always a great reminder. Imagine how much better the world would be if we all just showed a little more kindness.

  35. Exactly . . . kindness rings GOLDEN in my book.
    Very good and kind thoughts . . .
    Kindness is another way we can Pay It Forward . . . It will return to us ten fold.
