Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Day Sure Can Make A Difference - The Big Storm!

Tuesday was a beautiful Spring day in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  The sun was shining and all was well with the world.
My Weeping Cherry tree was blooming.
I picked the girls up from Daycare, we had ice cream and we went to their home and they played.....
and played....
and played.
Then Wednesday came.  The Weather Bureau kept saying we were going to have severe thunderstorms.  But, in Oklahoma, we hear that all Spring.
This time, they were not kidding.
This is my back yard full of hailstones.  It's hard to see because it was raining like crazy and the winds were approximately 80 mph.
I'm really not a heavy drinker.  I have a big trash container on the side of the house that I keep tin cans in.  The cans were all over the back yard and I still haven't found the big trash can.
I thought these had blown off of my storage building.  However, today, I find it was my neighbor's - not mine.
This is the house across the street with what is left of their tree in the front yard.
I have lived in Tulsa for 45 years and have been thru lots of tornado alerts but I have never been as scared as I was last night. 
I literally stood at my patio doors and watched a huge brown cloud turn into a tornado right before my eyes.  It never touched the ground - thank goodness.  It was very scary.
I just prayed to God and John to watch over Bella and I and protect us.  And they did.
There was a lot of damage in Sand Springs on the west side of Tulsa - one fatality.
But, now I'm thinking my next investment may be a storm shelter.  That's how scary it was.


  1. Oh my, that does look like it was a bad storm. Glad you came through all right.

  2. I know you all get some pretty bad storms in Oklahoma. That looks like it was a doozy. It was 75 here yesterday and 45 today. Spring is a fickle season. xo Laura

  3. Oh, Judy. That is SO SO SO scary! You must have been scared to death...or just about. Yep- John was protecting you..along with God! Do you have basements in your area? xo Diana

    1. No, we generally don't have homes with basements. Wish we did! I'm seriously contemplating one of those safe rooms they bolt into the garage floor.

  4. Oh Judy! How frightening that must have been! So glad you and Bella are safe and that there is no major damage to your house.


  5. Judy, those storms are so scary! Since you and Bella live alone maybe a safe room would be a good thing. Love the kiddos playing and playing and playing. Love those Grands!

  6. Hi Judy --- so glad you and Bella are alright! John is definitely your Guardian Angel oxox

  7. Your little grandgirls are so sweet :) I think a safe room would be a great idea...glad that you are alright!

  8. Judy, So glad you are safe. I didn't know of this storm till tonight. I hate to hear of all the damage. A storm shelter is a good idea. A man in Kokomo, just had put the finishing touches on his storm shelter, that his family made fun of, and a tornado tore their home to pieces and the shelter saved them. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. Glad you are safe. Enjoy your blog and pins.

  10. So sorry you were afraid. We had the same storms. My house was in the tail wind of the tornado that touched down in Moore. I've watched tornadoes too. They are scary stuff! I have a great photo of the green sky that happens right before a bad twister somewhere. I'll have to look for that and show it on the blog. It truly gets green. I'm glad you are okay. Hope that's all we get that spring! XO

  11. It is a relief to know that you are safe! A storm shelter doesn't sound like a bad idea!

  12. I had heard there was a tornado in your area, but wasn't aware there was a fatality...thankfully you are okay and didn't have any more damage than you did. Living in Kansas, this time of year is scary...I head for the cellar the minute I think the storm is getting too angry. I would rather be safe than sorry. Your granddaughters are adorable...they have to be a handful at that age!
    Enjoy the weekend.

  13. So glad you are safe! Those storms are terrifying. Your little ones are precious, nothing like those grand babies! Hoping for a calm weekend for you!

  14. We saw it on the news and I thought and prayed for those of you in that area. I'm glad you were safe. What a mess! God bless you. Hugs, Diane

  15. Oh My...that sure was a bad storm!! So glad that you and Bella are okay. We had our first thunder storm of the season yesterday in the wee hours of the morning. I'm not a big fan of Spring, because of the bad storms that we can get.

  16. Gosh, Judy, I'm so glad you are okay! I don't often comment on your blog, but I do follow you. Praying for you and your neighbors. Hope we don't have a bad tornado season this year.

  17. Oh Judy, how scary. I thought of you today when they were talking about the storms in Oklahoma. I was in one when I was 19 and I still get scared when I think about it. I did injure my leg running to get to the proper side of the building that your to go to. Please be careful and safe. Poor Bella, I bet she was really scared.
    Prayers sent your way.
    Those little girls are darling - how fun.

  18. Judy...I was thinking of you and Brenda when I saw the devastation on the news. Terrible. And you must have been terrified. Do you have a basement? Did you lose power? We have a basement in this house and we always take cover. At the, so we go into the the bathroom where we can't be hurt by windows. glad you and Bella are safe. Whew!

    Jane x

    1. We don't have many basements in Oklahoma. We have a designated spot in the hallway and I was all prepared with pillows, flashlight and radio. I was very lucky.


  19. Wow. The weather there is scary. Adorable little ones. Happy you are all safe! xoxo

  20. So thankful that you are okay Judy! Storms like that must be very frightening! Praying that the rest of the season is more gentle on you and your neighbors! Sending hugs and prayers your way! Cindy xoxo

  21. Oh that had to be scary. I remember when I was a new director of the before and after school program. We got the call to take cover. We went to where the posted emergency safe place was. Then someone came and told us to get in the hall. We literally played word games with the children during the storm. I would look into that safe shelter. You have those sweet little girls and Bella to take care of and they need you. Stay safe. Glad you are okay. Are you sure you didn't have a big party, hah.

  22. Storms like that are so scary...a storm shelter would be a very good idea! xo

  23. Had to check on my nephew up there. He was 2.3 miles from where one hit. Thankfully, he has a safe room in the garage.

  24. I am happy to know you are okay, Judy. I would have been very scared. A storm shelter sounds like a good idea!
    Your girls are so cute and a lot of fun, I'm sure. Take care and stay safe!

  25. I am thankful that you and your home are OK! I know that was scary and by all means build a shelter! Tornadoes really scare me:( Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  26. So glad you are safe, and pray for those who were in harm's way!

  27. Hi Judy, Thank God you are okay!! I know how scary these storms are and you there in Oklahoma seem to get all the really bad weather. We did not get the storms they predicted Wednesday into Thursday, but I know springtime holds many still to come. We thought about a storm shelter too.

    The little ones are so cute!!
    Take care and stay safe.
    Hugs and Prayers, CM

  28. Yes I seen about that storm on the news. Do you have a basement?
    We haven't had many tornadoes here in Columbia but when the sirens go off I head to the basement ,seems they all travel the southern of our state ,like Joplin
    Your granddaughters are so cute and little
    I'm sure your prayers helped
    stay safe

  29. Glad to hear you and your family are ok. I saw on the news how bad it was.
    Your Grands look like they had a fun time. So cute!

  30. Oh, Judy...that was a terrible storm! I am so glad that God and John were watching over you and Bella and keeping you safe. We have a lot of tornado warnings here in IL in the spring and summer (I know it's worse in your area) and that is about the only time I'm glad we have a basement. PS - your cherry tree is gorgeous!

  31. Oh no how scary!!!!! The damage is not near as bad as it could have been, thank goodness you are all safe. I do think your husband was looking down on you are keeping you safe. Bless your heart what a scare!
    Hugs to you,

  32. I can't even imagine the horror you must have experienced. A storm shelter sounds like an excellent idea and could give you some peace of mind every day. Glad you and your family are safe.

  33. Judy, that would scare me too! So glad you're ok! Blessings, Cecilia



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