
Friday, April 10, 2015

It's Definitely Spring Here!

My Father passed away 11 years ago and my Sunday School class bought me a White Dogwood tree and had it planted in my back yard in memory of my Dad.
I am constantly amazed (and don't know why) but every year it blooms on Easter.  It doesn't matter if Easter is in March or April, it always blooms on Easter weekend.  God's timing is so perfect!!
The Redbud Trees are just gorgeous.  FYI - the Redbud Tree is Oklahoma's state tree.
A few Easter photos - when I say the Easter bunny came - I don't mean just one.
My back yard is just full of them.  Bella just sits in the back yard and watches.  Doesn't even chase them anymore.
Look at those white fluffy tails.
This is the only half way decent photo I got of the girls opening their Easter baskets.  It is just a whirlwind of activity.
After the twins went to bed, Laynee and I dyed Easter eggs.  They came out pretty good.  You should see our hands - still - almost a week later.  I have several blue and green fingers. 
Not green thumbs mind you.  But, my tomato plants are doing quite well.  Can anyone tell me why they have those little dried tips on them?


  1. Love that story of your dogwood! I love spring and happy that you had a wonderful Easter with your family!

  2. A magnificent miracle every Easter, Judy! So happy you had a wonderful Easter with your girls!

    Happy Spring!


  3. the dogwood is gorgeous!! We had an easter bunny here too the other day...only we was on our brown grass. Love seeing it all nice and green there. I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and plant things!

  4. Judy, I love your beautiful trees. My father passed away 11 years ago also. I still miss him , so much. Hugs to you. Your wee ones are so cute . I am happy we have grands. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Thank you for sharing the miracle of your dogwood tree. I think the Easter food coloring gets harder to get off each year.

    1. We fixed the dye and then tried a couple of eggs and decided it wasn't dark enough. So, we added liquid packets we had in another egg dying set. They came out really pretty colors but oh my gosh, we can't get them off of our hands. We'll know better next year!

  6. I love your dogwood and redbud pictures. :)

  7. I'm sure the girls love the bunnies. I looked this up about your tomato plant. There is a whole host of reasons why it happens. Tomatoes are just difficult to grow for some reason and end up with all kinds of maladies.

  8. Beautiful dogwood blossoms. This must be a banner year for redbuds as they seem to be more vivid than other years.

  9. Thanks for sharing the beautiful dogwood and redbud blooms. Definitely a sign Spring is here.
    I am sure Laynee loved dying the eggs. Sorry - I am of no help on the tomatoes plants.
    No bunnies here, but do have an over load of squirrels that need to pack up and move on. :/
    Enjoy the weekend.

  10. Love the beautiful story on your dogwood blooming every Easter. So special too in memory of your dad. Glad you got to dye eggs with Laynee she is so sweet. Love the picture of all the girls really cute.
    Have a great week end.

  11. Oh your dogwood is beautiful. I've tried several times to grow a dogwood in Oklahoma City but not with any luck. I've enjoyed all the redbuds for the past several weeks. Looks like your grandkids had fun on Easter! Hope your tomatoes do well. Nothing taste as good as a homegrown tomato!

  12. Judy, I love dogwoods and to have one in memory of your Dad is wonderful. Spring is come for sure!

  13. Yes, spring is here, at least in these here parts. Your tree is gorgeous, and so are those babies.

  14. Trees are beautiful. I love the dogwood trees. The girls looked like they had a great time - they are so cute.
    Bella is getting used to the rabbits - how fun for Easter.
    Have a great week.

  15. Trees are beautiful. I love the dogwood trees. The girls looked like they had a great time - they are so cute.
    Bella is getting used to the rabbits - how fun for Easter.
    Have a great week.

  16. Trees are beautiful. I love the dogwood trees. The girls looked like they had a great time - they are so cute.
    Bella is getting used to the rabbits - how fun for Easter.
    Have a great week.

  17. Your redbud is gorgeous! And the girls look so cute with their Easter baskets. Some years my tomato plants do well and others they don't. I don't know why that is because I don't do anything differently. Sometimes I wonder if the plants were all that healthy in the beginning. Most generally, tho, I've always thought that brown tips were caused from them not getting enough water. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Love the bunnies and the gorgeous trees. We used to have a redbud in our front yard, but it got wilt and died very suddenly.

  19. Hi Judy, beautiful spring blooms in your yard and I love the story of the dogwood and the redbud is stunning. Your little ones are too cute. Sweet bunnies in your yard too. Not sure what that is on the tomato plants but it may be they are dry. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  20. You are so lucky to have so much in bloom already, sprouts are popping up all over here and its great to see finally. Love the story about you dogwood, and the girls are adorable!

  21. It sure is pretty in your neck of the woods. Things are getting green and we will get there soon. Cute little girls. They don't hold still long enough for a still picture.

  22. Cute girls, beautiful dogwood and of course adorable bunnies. Thank you so the happy post Judy.
