
Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Blessed Mother's Day!

When you get a card like this, how could you not have a great Mother's Day?  I had got these dresses for the girls last week and they made this card for me.  I know I am prejudiced, but aren't they darling?

My son called this morning to wish me a Happy Mother's Day and granddaughters came by.

So, it was a good day.

And then, it was also a sad, sentimental day.

Today, Landen would have been 11 years old.  I can just imagine what he would have been like.  Full of boy energy I'm sure!  I know that he and John are keeping things hopping in Heaven.

I had this picture painted in oils from two different photos that I had of Landen.

The bottom one (with all of the hair) was taken just a few days before he was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma State 4 cancer.  He was such a trooper and we had many months of good times before he went to be with the Lord.

The top left photo was taken about a month before he passed away.  He truly went from a little boy to a young man in a short time.

If you haven't read about Landen, go to the Dedication to Landen at the top of my page.

He made us all realize that we need to treasure every minute we have on this earth.  I thank him for that lesson because it made me realize when John got sick that every minute was special.

And it was!

Happy Mother's Day to you all!



  1. Oh, Judy, my heart is so full. I love the oil you had done of little Landen. Blessings to you on this Mother's Day! The girls in those cute little dresses - darling.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Judy - even though it's a bittersweet day for you. (It is for me, too.) My heart breaks each time I hear of a child having cancer. I don't understand's just so unfair. Landen was such a beautiful little boy.

    I just saw your note about you mailing Miss Begonia. I will certainly let you know when she arrives! :-)

  3. Life is truly a gift....I am glad you have sweet memories of your Landen Judy. I am glad you had a good Mother's Day.

  4. The darling little boy and his beautiful smile makes this grandmother's heart hurt with you. There just are not words enough to tell you.

  5. Oh Judy, those girls are totally adorable. I can only imagine how they fill your heart with love!

    How tragic you lost your little grandson. I will never understand why things like that have to happen. God only knows. Maybe it WAS so he could keep John company in heaven.

    God bless you. You have had a lot of loss. Glad your Mother's Day was lovely. Susan

  6. The girls dresses are adorable!! Love the painting of Landen. Happy Mother's Day.

  7. That was a bitter sweet post to read, full of what life is made: joy and sadness all at the same time. I admire that you're actually able to turn sadness into a worthy life lesson. Have a blessed day.

  8. As Magali said...bittersweet :(

    But I don't think you are predjudiced...those girls are absolutely adorable in that photo :)

  9. Judy, I can't decide which is more adorable - your granddaughters or their watermelon dresses.
    I was there was no sad to mingle with the happy.

  10. Bless your heart Judy, so much loss. You are right Landon and your husband are having a great time together.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I'm a little late getting to your post, but I was so touched by it. Everyday is a gift - When we lost my great Nephew Cole 4 years ago, it just blew us all away - here one second, gone the next. He was 19, and was killed in a car accident. Your little granddaughters are adorable in their dresses, and what a treasure the painting is of Landen.

  13. Your grand's are just so cute! Love the dresses! What a sweet smile your grandson had!

  14. You have faced your share of loss, praying that God pours out blessings of love and joy! Darling grandchildren, All of them!! Blessings, Cindy

  15. You're an amazing woman Judy. You've been through so much, but always manage to have faith.

    Such a beautiful family you have, and you're most definitely NOT prejudice. Your granddaughters are indeed precious, and I love the sweet dresses you made for them.
