
Monday, May 18, 2015

New Type of Flowers in the Flowerbed

I have some new and interesting flowers in my flowerbed in the back yard.

I got these last Saturday at the Flea Market.  In this photo, you can see the bottom and they are made out of pop bottles - see the cap at the bottom?

They were 3 for $5.00.

I just love them tucked into the flowerbed.

Couldn't wait to show you my tomato plant!!

They are just loaded with baby tomatoes!

John must be so proud of me!!

I love the baby rabbits in the back yard and they love my Sweet Potato Vine.  See the little white tips?  They just stand there and bite the ends off.  Oh well, they'll grow back hopefully.  

Bella and I so enjoy the rabbits hopping around the back yard.  




  1. Judy, cute flowers! Btw, I sent you an email to your contact provided that may have landed in your junk email, not sure. Sent over the weekend. :)

  2. Very cute, Judy!

  3. You do understand the exponential rate of rabbit births, right? Heh Heh. Love your new flowers and congrats on the tomato plant! XO

  4. Hi Judy, What cute pop bottle flowers. They look darling in your garden. I love potato vine too and have both colors the green and the darker purple. I like the darker one because it makes a flower. Your tomato plant is doing great. Yes, John is so proud of you!!
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, CM

  5. Judy,
    Tucked into your pretty flower beds the coke bottle flowers add such whimsy and fun. Sweet addition and unexpected which always adds an extra treat. Thank you so very much for visiting me in Philly at our our Row Home. It's bloggers like you who make the time spent in writing poetry worth it.

  6. Hi Judy! I love those pop bottle flowers! So cute! Your tomatoes look great and you've got lots! Nothing like a homegrown tomato. Shame on those little bunnies munching on your potato vine! ;) Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Hi Judy, I took a second to try and figure out what weird flower you had in your garden - and then read down further in your post. Smiles.

  8. Those are such cute flowers. I can't believe the price!!!! I also can't believe that tomato plant!! Wow! Hope you have a great week- xo Diana

  9. What a beautiful tomato plant! Mine are about 8" high and won't dare to go in the ground until June 3-5. Sweet flowers in the first pics. :-)

  10. Love your new flowers! Really pretty in the garden. So proud of you and your tomatoes!


  11. Your new artsy flowers are so pretty! I bet the bunnies do love your potato vine. Last year they ate my hyacinth bean vine but the plant won out after awhile. Keep those tomatoes growing. I know your husband would have loved them.

  12. Those are really cute little flowers you found! Have not seen anything like them made from soda bottles! I have some similar but they are all metal! Your tomato plants is wonderful, and YES, I'm sure John is Very Proud of you! Blessings, Cindy

  13. The flowers are such a fun re-use project! I loved the butter pat project in your last post, too! My tomato plants are still in their peat pots...I need to get them planted! I sent you an email about the bingo cards...not sure why we're not connecting...

  14. Yeah the tomato plant is doing so great!!!!! Love the flowers really cute.

  15. Well, I have never seen pop-bottle recycling into flowers! Love it!

  16. I really like your pop bottle flowers and they look so good in your garden. Your tomato plant is doing so well. I just love fresh tomatoes off the vine in a salad.
    I'm surprised that Bella doesn't go after the rabbits.
    Hope you are safe and the storms are missing your home.

  17. CUTE! Love those flowers! You will be having tomatoes before you know it! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  18. Love your new flowers, my friend! What a great addition to your garden.

    Bunnies and deer are having a field day with my garden this year....yikes!


  19. Well your tomatoes are light years ahead of mine, lol! Those flowers are fun! :)

  20. I love those flowers! What a bargain, too. Your tomato plant is so lush and beautiful. We're just now planting tomatoes here in northern IL. My plants are maybe 5" high, lol. We have baby bunnies in our backyard, too. They've been eating the plants in my butterfly garden. Not much we can do except to fence the whole garden off, but we're not going to bother.

  21. I may just have to pop over every day to enjoy your flowers. The snails are eating mine :-(

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  22. Wow, I can't get over your tomatoes. Looks like a bumper crop. Your little flowers are very cute. xo Laura

  23. Those are some cool flowers that you won't have to deadhead, and always look good. You are so lucky it's still too cold to put my tomatoes out, dipping into the low 40's at night! Your tomatoes are so big!

  24. You are welcome Judy, I'm hoping that you get some visitors from it.

    You have tomatoes? We are just starting to plant anything out at


  25. Your tomatoes are coming along wonderfully!

  26. Your tomatoes are coming along wonderfully!

  27. I'm jealous too! So good to see how your garden grows Judy.
    Have a great Memorial Day Weekend,

  28. Love your artsy flowers for the flowerbed - and just look at all those tomatoes!!

  29. Those bottle flowers are adorable! I've never seen anything like them before. Looks like you will have lots of good tomatoes this season. Ours are just now starting to grow baby tomatoes. I love rabbits. I would enjoy watching them too but I'm afraid they would ruin our little vegetable garden.

  30. I came back today to see some buds on my tomato plant! It looks almost as healthy as yours. That's huge news for me, because I haven't grown veggies in a while. Must be something in the air this year ;).
