
Sunday, July 19, 2015

What a Mess!

What a mess I have!!  I know you have to do all of this kind of stuff to get to the good part, but....

They took all of the countertop off and removed the brick backsplash.

And all of the appliances are undone and ready to leave the premises.

Same in the bathroom - removed the vanity top.

And removed the 350 pound cast iron and porcelain tub which was the original tub in the house when it was built.  Boy, did they work at getting that out!

I do have a bright, clean and shiny new shower in the master bath out of a white marble.

My yard guy came on Saturday and removed the Spyria (?) bushes.  We were not able to save them.  I did save the cannas.

Notice Bella checking every scent out!

You can't see but the screening is all up and the bottom of the porch is all framed for the siding to go up.  The electrician was here on Friday and put in all new electrical outlets for the porch lights and outlets around the porch.

And then, my air conditioner went out!!  I had an air conditioning guy come out and he thought he had the problem fixed however, at 2:00 this morning, I woke up covered in sweat - it had gone out again.

By the way, Saturday was the hottest day of the year so far - 120 degrees heat factor.

The repairman is headed back today.  Hopefully, he will find the problem.  Meanwhile Bella and I are at the mercy of ceiling fans and a big box fan on high!



  1. Any contracting work is indeed a huge mess. I promise you, it will be worth it in the long run! I am so sorry your AC went out in this heat. Ugh.

  2. Oh my goodness! You really are in the middle of a huge remodel. Unfortunately it has to get ugly before you get the finished rooms, but you're hanging in there in extreme heat, no less. I thought it was bad here at 83 degrees. I hope your AC guy gets you up and running pronto!

  3. Yikes, you will sure enjoy when your new kitchen is ALL finished:) Sorry about the A/C:( Hope you get it fixed dear friend, HUGS!

  4. It will get worse before it gets better, but then you will be so thrilled to have it just the way you want it.

  5. It will be just beautiful when it is finished and worth the struggle.
    I pray you AC repairman is on his way and will get things up and running very quickly.

  6. Hope your AC is fixed soon Judy!! Your house is going to look so nice when it is finished.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your air conditioner. We are certainly having a year to remember all over the country hot, hot, and hotter. On the brighter side, your home is going to be so pretty. I can't wait to see the after photos.
    Please come over to visit, I will be starting a new Give-A-Way tomorrow morning:)
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  8. Judy, Don't be afraid to put a cool damp towel on your doggie. Or keep her in the shade....give her freshwater...listen me, I do not own a dog, you probably know how to tend your pet. LOL. I just do like for animals to suffer. Also a cool cloth for you. :):) You are going to feel like you have a new home. It will be so nice. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. Judy, can you see all my mistakes..LOL. I do NOT want pets to suffer.... Sorry I can not type and eat peanut butter at the same time. :):) xo, Susie

  10. This is exciting, Judy! It's all getting closer and closer. I hope your AC is fixed quickly. I sometimes fuss about the noise in this old house from all the room air conditioners and fans but at least if one goes out we have the others going until we buy another one.

  11. Hi Judy! wow! So much going on. I know it's inconvenient for a while as tey are tearing everything out but how lovely it's going to be! Sorry about your air conditioning. You sure can't do without that!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Judy,
    So sorry to hear about your air going out and on the hottest day too!!! Hope they can figure out what is going wrong with it. Your de construction looks great. They are going to be having those two rooms looking so great in just a short time. Hang in there I know it is hard to have everything all over the place during reno. It will all be worth it. Bella sooo cute.
    Love seeing her checking out the progress and the good smells that they leave!

  13. I would have sworn that it was Lili going around the house - they look so much alike. Even their spots are almost in the same places.
    Your kitchen will be stunning and so will your bathroom. So sorry that the A/C went out on the hottest day of the year.
    Put some ice cubes in a bowl in front of the fan and it will blow cool air.
    As I am typing this comment, it is raining here - YEA YEA - and it rained yesterday for about 5 hours. Everything smelled so clean and fresh.
    Hang in there Judy, it will be over quickly and you will have a lovely kitchen and bath, plus a screened in porch.
    Have a cool week.

  14. Wow it's really moving right along Judy! I'm with you on the heat, it's been so unbearably hot and humid here, not 100 by any means, but I can't imagine the air going out!! thank god you have it back on. Onward and upward Judy!!

  15. Sorry to hear that your air went out when it is so hot outside. Hopefully...soon the mess with be gone and you will have a new kitchen, bathroom, and screened porch.

  16. You are definitely in the middle of a big redo, aren't you Judy?!?! I don't envy you now, but when it is done, you will be SO happy! Hope you got your A/C fixed, can't be in this kind of heat with no A/C! Sending hugs and blessings your way, Cindy xoxo

  17. Hi Judy, looks like everything is coming right along. I know it's a huge undertaking. Just remember, it looks bad before it looks good!!! Hope you have the AC back soon. Way too hot for that to be out!! Wish I was closer then Dallas, you could come over for a break from the heat!! Blessings, cm

  18. I am enjoying watching your remodel unfold! When we redid our kitchen, the demo part, while messy, was fun for me to see because it meant that something new and nice was about to be delivered. You will be so happy that you put up with the mess and inconvience when your "after" is a lovely new reality! So sorry about your AC-don't know how our ancestors survived without it! Hope by now it is fixed and that you literally are able to keep your cool (air, that is!)

  19. I am enjoying watching your remodel unfold! When we redid our kitchen, the demo part, while messy, was fun for me to see because it meant that something new and nice was about to be delivered. You will be so happy that you put up with the mess and inconvience when your "after" is a lovely new reality! So sorry about your AC-don't know how our ancestors survived without it! Hope by now it is fixed and that you literally are able to keep your cool (air, that is!)

  20. It doesn't look like to much of a mess to me , since I have gone through this before also.
    It will be so wonderful when it's completed

  21. You will love it Judy when it is done. We think the screen porch was the best thing we did when we added on to our house. Hope the AC is fixed soon. Julie

  22. Demoing is never fun but worth it in the end! We redid our big bathroom last year and it looks great! Hope your Ac gets fixed, we had a heat wave here too, 110 in June, ugh!

  23. How awful for your air to go odfy. It seems to happen on the hotest days. I know everything is aa mess. Try to focus on the end result which I know isn't easy


  24. oh my that must of been horrible to be without air, I am so not a hot weather girl! Demolition/construction is never fun, but remember, it will be worth it when it's all done. Look seeing the progress come alive!

  25. I hope you got the AC going! We're in Pryor and I'll call you tomorrow (Wed) to see if we can meet up for a "hi". Possibly a bit after 11 am? Then we're heading to Lake of the Ozarks. Talk to you tomorrow! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  26. A HOT mess...ugh...hope the A/C gets fixed and that heat wave is scary!

  27. A HOT mess...ugh...hope the A/C gets fixed and that heat wave is scary!

  28. That's a lot of have going on while you live there. Maybe you could stay with someone who has an AC. :)

  29. That is quite an ordeal, especially with the AC going off! But the carpentry work is already looking lovely....and it is all going to be great!
    Helen xox

  30. Judy,
    This is a wonderful and awful adventure all at the same time-it is going to be fabulous when it is completed and at the same time so nerve racking. I hope that as you read this, your air is working. If I lived nearby I would say come visit for the afternoon.

  31. oh my gosh all that happening and that hot, wow, thats amazing!! Take care,,, won't it be lovely when all finished!!
