
Friday, January 1, 2016

Progress Is Being Made - Slowly

Happy New Years Day!!

I made some significant progress this week.  Got the big desk all put together - thanks to my dear granddaughter, grandson and his friend.  This "thing" took 2 people three full days to put together.  It had so many parts!!  It sure looks good now tho.

Thanks Brandon, Ryan and Tiffany!

I have been taking Bella with me over to the new house.  She gets so excited when we go in the truck.  She knows she's getting to go with me.

Today, I put another coat of paint on the trim I put on the cabinets.  I still have some putty work to do.

I am so excited.  I put down a peel and stick tile in the breakfast room to cover up the pink tile.  Don't know how it will wear but at least it's not pink anymore.  I have to cut a bunch of edges but after I did the whole floor, I was tired and decided to wait on doing the cut outs. I will eventually have the whole floor taken out and retiled with travertine tile  Bella approved.  She has made friends with the dogs on two sides of the house.




  1. Judy, Bless your heart. You have been working so hard. I hope you get it just like you want it. I like the looks of that peel and stick. Wishing you a wonderful new year Judy. I am sending hugs your way. xoxo,Susie

  2. Please send me some of your energy!
    Wishing you and your family a Very Happy, Healthy, and prosperous New Year!

  3. I don't know how you do it all!! I am really looking forward to seeing what all you do with your new home. Have a wonderful 2016....hugs....

  4. Happy New Year!!! I love reading and keeping up with your remodeling post! Bella is cute!

  5. Such an exciting project and everything is looking great. Hugs and Happy New Year,

  6. Very nice desk! It is huge. You are doing a great job on your new home!
    Happy New Year.

  7. Great job on the tile - and on that huge desk! Have you met any of your new neighbors yet?

  8. Your tile and new desk look great! My husband put peel and stick tiles in my bathroom right over some badly installed tile (done by the previous homeowner). We have had it down for a couple of years now, and it is holding up very well. At some point, we have plans to redo the whole bath, but the peel and stick is certainly a great option for covering up something you don't like for a while. Happy New Year!

  9. That is one big desk! It will give you so much space to work on. Is it for crafting?

    1. It will hold my computer, my printer, Cricut and my sewing machine. So, I should be able to get a lot done in a small amount of space. LOL


  10. Judy,
    Sweet Bella going to the new house with you is so adorable. Glad she has new neighbor friends too. The new house is looking so great. Your craft/office area is going to be fabulous.

  11. I used that same peel and stick in the kitchen of a house many years ago (mid 90s, I think) and according to one of my old neighbors, it's still there! I left all the extra pieces and I'm sure they've had to replace a few, but she said it doesn't look bad at all. I've used it in laundry rooms, mud rooms, etc. over the years and love that you can replace easily whenever you get a ding or something. Your new home is really coming along. Tell Bella hello from my Bella.. My Bella has been playing with grands all day and is currently asleep on the sofa....

  12. I used that same peel and stick in the kitchen of a house many years ago (mid 90s, I think) and according to one of my old neighbors, it's still there! I left all the extra pieces and I'm sure they've had to replace a few, but she said it doesn't look bad at all. I've used it in laundry rooms, mud rooms, etc. over the years and love that you can replace easily whenever you get a ding or something. Your new home is really coming along. Tell Bella hello from my Bella.. My Bella has been playing with grands all day and is currently asleep on the sofa....

  13. Love your big work is so pretty and will give you lots of space to create there. Bella looks like she likes being at the new house.

  14. So exciting! It WILL happen! :)

    Happy New Year, Judy!

    Jane x

  15. Love the desk! (I need one desperately) Happy New Year!

  16. Judy I am so excited for you with all your new things to put in your new place. Everything looks fantastic. You go girl!

  17. Your projects are turning out so well! Wishing you a very Happy New Year and continued energy! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  18. Your projects are turning out so well! Wishing you a very Happy New Year and continued energy! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  19. Hi Judy, so enjoyed catching up here this morning. Love the progress in your new home. The desk is beautiful and I love the work space you have with it. How great the tiles look too. You did an amazing job. Bella is so cute and I can just see her running around excited when she knows she is going with you and can ride in the truck. The cabinets turned out great with your idea to cover the edge. Great pics of your family too.

    Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with good health, happiness and love. Have fun on the projects ahead. xo

  20. Hi Judy, so enjoyed catching up here this morning. Love the progress in your new home. The desk is beautiful and I love the work space you have with it. How great the tiles look too. You did an amazing job. Bella is so cute and I can just see her running around excited when she knows she is going with you and can ride in the truck. The cabinets turned out great with your idea to cover the edge. Great pics of your family too.

    Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with good health, happiness and love. Have fun on the projects ahead. xo

  21. You sure are making progress! Love the desk and I know you are happy that it is all put together! Have a blessed day and don't work too hard:) HUGS!

  22. Wow! You're in "gitter-dun" mode! The floor looks great and that desk is lovely. What a blessing that you have help for that sort of thing.

    May 2016 bring you joy.

  23. That IS a BIG desk! It looks like it would take several people to put it together, looks nice. You've been one busy go girl! good for you!

  24. Looks good! Happy New Year in your new home! xx

  25. Wow, you've done a lot so far, Judy. I really like that desk! And the tile in the breakfast room looks very nice. You did a great job! Little by little your house is going to turn into a home for you. Hello there Bella!


  26. Putting that desk together was a big job! Looks great. You are accomplishing so much and I am so happy that you really seem to be enjoying the process. Happy that Bella has new friends too. Bentley is best buddies with Toby who lives next door and it's so cute to see them together. Happy New Year dear friend!!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  27. Ohhh, that peel and stick tile looks sooooooooooooo pretty. I mean, really pretty. You did a fine job, Judy....

  28. Love your new desk, even if it took three of you guys 2 days to put together. I'm so glad that Bella likes her new home and that she has met some new friends. Tile looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us Judy. Hope you had a wonderful New Year.

  29. You are one amazing lady. I hope to get a tour of the new house soon.

  30. You are sure getting a lot done...the desk will be wonderful!

  31. Looks like things are coming along nicely. That's a big desk. - Happy New Year!

  32. It's coming along nicely Judy. Putting that desk together sounds like quite a job. We put peel and stick tile in our basement storage room and it has held up very nicely. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  33. Judy,
    "Mr. Ed" watched as I put down "peel & Stick" tile
    many, many years ago in the lower level half bath!!!
    It was to be temporary. . .it's still there and looks great!!!
    Things are progressing quite nicely, dear friend!!!

  34. How fun it is to be redoing a new place to live. I love your peel and stick tile...very smart thing to do. I don't do well getting down on the floor and working...well, really it's the getting up that's a killer ....LOL
    Everything is looking awesome.
