
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bathroom Work and Voting Decisions

If you had the opportunity to vote today, I hope you did.

I did because I always tell the kids if they don't vote, they don't have to right to criticize the election results.

Laynee is in Pre-K and to celebrate President's Day, they were given this sheet to fill out.

She brought it home and I could not help but share.


She wrote on the bottom lines what she would do if she was President.  I think her platform looks about as good as anyone's.  I might vote for her.  LOL

They came last Friday and completely gutted my hall bath in the new house.

They move so fast.

As of today Tuesday, they have torn it all out, the plumber has been there to do all new lines and the electrician has installed new switches and a heat light.

I am again, using Marble Elegance and am constantly amazed by their care and speed.  They do such quality work.  (And they clean up after themselves too!)

So, enjoy!



  1. Love her platform. I must say I can't endorse any of the candidates right now. I hope I am able to figure it out by NOV. Your home is coming along so well.

  2. I did vote. I had to wait in line for about 30 minutes ~ it was that crowded. David voted first thing this morning on his way to work and he was able to vote immediately. I have voted in every single election I have been eligible to vote. When I lived in the Middle East, I sent absentee ballots back to the state via mail pouch. One never fully realizes how fortunate we are in this country until they live elsewhere. I hope that we leave Laynee and others of her generation a good, safe and secure country. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now ;-) Can't wait to see the bathroom!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  3. I think I'd vote for Laynee as well, what a cute statement!! We don't get to vote for a few weeks, but I'll be there - I agree - If you don't vote, then keep your mouth shut!! May the remodel go well and quickly, and may you be blesses above measure!! Cindy xo

  4. Can't wait to see your remodeled bathroom. Just also read your post about Landen's bear and his birthday at the hospital. What a sweet story; thank you for sharing with us. I'm glad you kept his bear and still display it in your house. I'm sure sometimes it's really hard and sad to look at though. {{hugs}}

  5. She's a doll. i'm so excited about your changes...moving along very well! :)


  6. I wish I had what it takes to undergo a remodel.

  7. So sweet, she has my vote too:) Have a blessed day in your ever-changing home! BIG HUGS!

  8. I think I would give Laynee my vote! You are on a whirlwind with your new house. I love following along with your progress.

  9. It wasn't too long ago that our bathroom was looking kinda like yours, but it was a bit inconvenient since it's the only bath on the main floor and I had to traipse to the one downstairs in the middle of the night for a few days. lol! It will be so nice when it's finished. I hope it all goes well and quickly, too!

  10. So glad they are teaching kids about the importance of voting at an early age. Looks like she put her heart into it. We don't vote until June but I've made up my mind already..Can't wait to see your finished bath. It is hard to live through any renovation, but it will be worth it..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  11. Judy, Laynee is my choice! Ha! You will be so proud when you are through with your bathroom. Can't wait to see pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Can't wait to see the bathroom when it's finished! It's always exciting to update.

  13. (Hanging head) I did not vote. It was a foregone conclusion in Alabama, so there is no point....

  14. Oh, we got out very early on Tues and voted....such a political mess.....

  15. I vote for Laynee too. Great start to your new bathroom. Looking forward to the finish. Have a great evening. xo

  16. I look forward to seeing how your remodel turns out! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  17. It is a lot of work, but it will look great. xoox Su

  18. I'll vote for her right now.

  19. She's better than any of those running candidates. She earns my vote!

  20. Judy,
    Oh, my goodness!
    This is going to be such an amazing transformation, dear friend!
    At the moment, "Mr. Ed" and I are waiting on our Concrete Laborer!
