
Monday, May 16, 2016

Projects I Am Working On

I had found this wooden cut out sign at a craft show and put it on the wall of the girls' bedroom.  I tell them this all of the time.  It is one of our favorite sayings.

My work room opens from the kitchen.  Knowing that my work room will always be messy, I started looking for a folding screen to put up if needed.

When my sisters were here last week, we went to Hobby Lobby and lo and behold, here was exactly what I wanted.  It is a black wrought iron with burlap panels.  However, I don't really like the burlap plain, so my mind is going round and round trying to figure out what I can do to it.  I have a few ideas!!  Plus it was on sale!

Then, on Saturday I went to the Flea Market.  Perfection!! I have been trying to find a small piece to finish off the hall bathroom.  I had tried several pieces but they were all too big, too small or too tall.  

I found this darling piece which is the perfect size.  I will probably paint it, but, it fits perfect and doesn't interfere with the air vent in the floor. It will hold towels and a couple of pieces of decor.

So, I have several projects in the works.  However, I have sold Tiffany's old house and have got to work on getting the odds and ends out of my old house so that she can get moved in.

So, needless to say, I'm a little swamped right now.

But, I am so blessed that all of this has been in the Lord's perfect timing and I sure can not complain.

Just keep on packing!!



  1. Your life has been very very full of things that had to be done and it is good to hear that the chain of work is just a bit shorter with the sale of one house leading to removing the last bits from your old house as it becomes closer to the time for their move in. Hugs.

    1. Yes Joy, it has been very full. But, I have been so blessed with how smoothly everything has gone. With the sale of Tiff's house, it has given us a deadline which we needed. I'm grateful I have not had to move quickly but now, we need this deadline.

      Have a great week.


  2. Been following you for awhile, but could not comment on your blog much. Now I can....I am so amazed how much you can accomplish in a day or a must be the energized bunny and all the ideas you come up with amazes me also. Good job on everything you tackle.

    1. Thanks. There are so many days I don't feel like I get much done. But, other days I can tell I did. After 48 years in one house and being 72, I don't move like I use to. LOL


  3. Replies
    1. OMG - you should see it now. That furniture was in it when I bought it but it is all gone and the room is full with my desk and bins and bolts of fabric. It'll be nice once I get everything in it's place.


  4. Wonderful work room! Love the red shelf, so cute! Busy busy my friend. It is all working out as God has planned.


    1. If I would just trust Him in working all things out, life would be so much easier. LOL I do know that all of this move has been in His will because of all of the ease that it has been. I would have backed out at the first obstacle that arose. It couldn't have worked out any better.


  5. Seems you are busy in a good kind of way...that's how I've been lately. love looking at all you are doing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Busy is not all bad. LOL It keeps me going and active.

      Have a great week.


  6. Love everything you're doing! Will you be helping Tiffany decorate her new house? hugs....

    1. Thanks Penny. I will be doing the girls' rooms. The twins room is going to be red with Minnie Mouse décor and Laynee is doing Frozen. We are hoping to paint their rooms this weekend. Then have the carpets cleaned and start moving her. I'll have to slow down on my house and help her get situated into hers.


  7. That's one large room, lucky you. Glad the one house is sold and your down to two. Being busy is a good cause things get done...but not being busy is a good thing too since we rejuvenate ourselves. Love the red shelf.

    1. Thanks Cathy. The sale of the other house is moving us along a little quicker than planned. Tiff has the week of 4th of July off and we were going on vacation however, now, it looks like we'll be moving her and the girls into the house.

      I am so thrilled to have the workroom, It is going to be so handy.


  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Debby! It will be perfect for the bathroom. Now, I must get busy with making the shower curtain and hanging stuff in there so I can finish that room up.


  9. I absolutely adore that little red shelf! What a treasure! I wonder how old it is? Sorry you're so busy.. but it sounds like a good busy. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. I was so excited when I found it for $20. It's the perfect size for what I want. There is one little wooden ball missing but other than that it is in perfect shape.


  10. I am sure you will "Judify" the burlap in some creative way. I love the little red shelf. I have a white wicker magazine rack that is similar and I use it in the bathroom to hold towels. Love following you on your projects and adventures!

    1. I have several ideas for the burlap screen - one involving old linens and lace. We'll see. The nice thing is the burlap panels are velcroed on top and bottom and can be taken off and worked on. Now, if I can just find the time.


  11. You found some really good treasures that you needed. Everything is working perfectly on your home with the decorations.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week, Judy.


    1. Thanks Mary. Everything is coming along. It just takes a long time to go thru 48 years accumulation. John had his office at home the last 10 years or so and that has been a chore to go thru and discard stuff that I don't need to keep. Slowly but surely.


  12. I always feel blessed to have the energy to do lots of things and I know you do too. You have found so many things that are perfect for your new home. I love it all my friend. Hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. However, there are days when I don't feel like I accomplish anything. It is taking so much longer than I thought to get this new house finished up, I have about decided it's never going to be completely done. Oh well.....


  13. Hello, busy lady! I love seeing all the projects you're doing. Glad you're finding treasures to fill your needs at your new home. Love that baker's rack for the bathroom.

    1. Thanks Mel! I had several pieces I thought I could use in the bathroom but none of them were "just" right. LOL I got this piece for $20 at the flea market and think it is perfect. Not sure about color yet. Am going to leave it until I get shower curtain and pictures hung and then decide.


  14. Things are looking great Judy!
