
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

This and That

In my Dining Room, I have this vintage buffet and clock which were my Mom's.  I added this picture above the buffet.  It is a scene painted on the reverse side of curved glass.  It is labeled "The Danube".  There are a couple of places where the paint has chipped away but I am afraid to do anything to it because it is so old.  It was my folk's also.

The flowers are still pretty for the most part - a lot of them have faded out due to the intense heat.  Even tho I am watering twice a day and we even had a good rain this morning, the heat factor is 105-115 degrees, so it is just burning up everything.  Here's some of what's left.

These are all along my back fence.

Lots of daisies!

The little ones are so amused by the weirdest things!

The garage still has a lot of work to do but with the intense heat, it'll just have to wait a while.

The shelves I got are working out great tho.

I am loving my new home.  Am getting ready to have several trees taken out and the rest all trimmed.  I have been notified by the electric company that they are starting next week putting all of the electrical lines underground.  Do you know the first thing I thought of?  Oh good, now I can take pictures out the back door without all of the highlines!!  Now, that's a blogger thinking!!  LOL  But, it will be nice.  They won't be digging up the yard at all.  They have been out and marked the curbs and will drill thru the ground and then run all the cables thru a pipe of some kind??? 

Sure do miss being in Alaska a few years ago zip lining in the cool weather.




  1. Judy, It is wonderful that you have some things that were your parents. That's special. It will be so nice around your area without power lines. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

    1. Susie - Thanks and yes, it will be nice to have all of the hi lines under ground. And best of all, the electric company is paying for all of it. They said due to the huge trees in this neighborhood, the cost of trimming trees and trees causing outages, it was beneficial to them.


  2. You are lucky to have so many things from your parents. We have a few things and a few things I rescued from my grandparents abandoned farmhouse in Watonga, OK. They left their oak kitchen queen in the house and the 5 legged oak table with five leaves in the CHICKEN HOUSE! But I saved them. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Oh Teresa - I am so glad you rescued some pieces from your family. Did you grow up in Oklahoma?


  3. Love to see how your house is coming along. This heat on top of my surgery has made me come to a complete stop on any more house rearranging and cleaning. I am healing but taking it slowly. Hugs!

    1. Linda - Thanks. I am so sorry that I did not know you had had surgery. Get well wishes sent your way.


  4. Hi Judy! Those are surely beautiful treasures you have from your family! I'm so glad for you and your new home. It's lovely and I'm so enjoying watching you put it all together.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks Shelia. I'm certainly enjoying getting to use all of these family heirlooms which have been stored away.


  5. I love that you have family heirlooms in your house. Nice that those things can be passed down and appreciated. The heat and humidity are bad here this week too, but not as bad as it is by you. You're so lucky all the electrical lines are being put underground. Wish they'd do that here. They're so unsightly!

    1. Thanks Melanie - I am enjoying using all of these family things. The heat and humidity here are horrible. A lot of things are just to have to wait until it cools down a little. Weather said tonight the rest of July is going to be very, very hot. YUCK!!


  6. Wonderful sentimental pieces. I have a few that I'm grateful to have as well. I wish our power lines were underground. That will be nice!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to those underground lines. It will be so nice.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  7. Love those family heirlooms! Chipped or not, they are perfect to me! Love the blooms, mine are mostly gone! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Thanks Theresa. You have a blessed day also.


  8. I love the inherited pieces, Judy. Simply lovely - and priceless, too! Your flowers are looking pretty good in spite of the heat! Love to you

  9. Your house looks so pretty and I know you are having fun fixing it up! But when it's hot...take care! It's extremely hot here too and I'm finding inside projects to do. Hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. I've had to put the garage and outside stuff on hold until the weather cools some. It's just too hot.


  10. Boy Judy, won't it be great to have no power lines? I love having things from my parents. It is nice to have the memories that go with them, don't you think?


    1. Thanks Cindy! I'm looking forward to the underground lines. Memories are great!!


  11. That buffet is gorgeous ♥

    1. Thanks Summer. The painted tiles in the back are all glass tiles. I love that piece.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  12. Having treasures from your parents is very special. Love how your home came together. You are amazing and did a fabulous job!!
    Stay cool and have a great week xo

    1. Thanks dear friend. I still have a lot to do but am getting there.

      Have a good week.


  13. Judy,
    I l o v e that you are using items from your parents in your new home, dear friend!
    What a comfort to have them close by!
    Both my and "Mr. Ed's" parents are deceased.
    The pieces from my parents that my Dad gifted me with bring such joy!
    Your home is just lovely, but trimming trees is important, especially to warn off any major problems with storms!
    Think "cool" thoughts, but leave the Garage work for Autumn Days!

    1. Thanks Pat. My parents have both passed away but only lived about 45 minutes away in our family home. I love the memories I have of all of their heirloom pieces. Such precious memories. We were and my sisters and I continue to be a very close family.

      Thanks for visiting.


  14. Judy,

    Would you mind telling where your shelves were purchased? I want to put something in my garage and those look perfect.

    1. Deborah - I purchased them at Home Depot and they were like $29.99 I think. They are plastic but very sturdy and hold a lot of weight. Plus they were very easy to put together.

      Thanks for visiting.


  15. Love the family heirlooms, they are so precious to have. I hope it cools down a bit soon for you and the poor flowers, though they still look pretty. You are doing so well getting your new home all set up. Happy week Judy!
    Helen xox

    1. Thanks Helen and happy week to you. The weather forecast is calling for quite a stretch of hot, hot weather to come. YUCK!


  16. It's wonderful to have our parent's treasures. I have an old Seth Thomas clock that my mom loved, plus an oval picture similar to yours with a picture of my dad in it when he was 2 years old! It's a rare photo of him when he was little. Your home is looking wonderful and you still have some pretty flowers, despite the oppressive heat. What are the names of the ones along your back fence? I sure love them. I've seen them here in Oregon but can't remember their name. We have lots of fences that need some tall flowers! You are so luck that they are putting those lines underground. My neighborhood has all above ground (on poles) power lines which I hate! They ruin all the beautiful views of the skies with their sunsets and pinks, oranges and purples. We also have a big dead tree in the front yard that I'm going to see if the power company will take out, as the limbs, if they break, will fall right onto the power lines. These old neighborhoods all were built back in the 50's or so, when they never put power lines underground. Darn. They are so ugly. You have such pretty trees in your front yard. Love them!

    1. Thanks Marilyn. I have no idea what those flowers are but they really are pretty and tall. I'll see if I can figure out what they are. I also have a big mass of sweet peas that have really covered the back fence and are pretty. Am excited to have the electric lines underground. Will be so nice. Thanks for dropping by.


  17. You are moving along, girl! You have such a pretty home. Your parent's things are just the icing on the special.

    Keep up the good work and thanks so much for your visits when I know you are SO busy!


    1. Thanks Jane. Things are getting done slowly but surely. I'm been helping Tiffany and the girls get moved into my old home for the last few weeks. Now, I'm going to try to finish up my new house.

      Have a great weekend.


  18. Judy, you went zip lining in Alaska? My kids did this in Costa Rica and they had a blast! That is the funniest picture of your granddaughter and the laundry basket. It's a picture to keep for sure. Oooooo, you still have daisies! I planted some in my back yard, but they aren't doing good at all. I heard they don't need as much water as other flowers. The front of your house is so charming, and I look forward to seeing the back yard too.

    I really enjoy your "this and that" posts, they are my favorite.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. Thanks Sheri - Yes, I did go zip lining in Alaska. It was fantastic!! My only problem was that when we got there, we had to climb up the mountain to get to the top to start the zip line. My niece and husband went with me and helped me along the way. But, once we got to the top, it was great! I would do it again in a minute. But then, I want to go sky diving also. I keep telling my kids, grandkids and greats - if something happen - just think - you could say your 72 year old g'mother died sky diving. LOL

      The back yard is under construction. LOL I'm having a bunch of trees taken out that the insurance says I have to get rid of plus they are running all of the electrical lines underground in the next week - courtesy of the electric company. YEA!! So, I'll do some photos of the back soon hopefully.
      Thanks for liking the this and that posts.

      Have a good week end.\


  19. The second flower picture after the Zinnia is of my favorites. Wow is it hot by's been in the 90's and I hate it...I want winter back! Love the furniture and clock from your MOM.

    1. Thanks Cathy - I had no idea what it was!! It has been brutal here. However, today I was at an estate sale and the tornado sirens went off. They continued for almost 30 minutes and we had 100 mph winds. Lost several tree limbs. It rained so hard I could not see the car in front of me and we also had hail. Horrible.

      Have a good weekend.


  20. I just love your new home, too, Judy girl..
    I can relate to burning up...108..110..just about to burn us all to death..poor flowers..water 2 times, sometimes 3 and they are losing their color and wilting...
    wind here 20 to 40 mph is just wearing me out...
    stay cool and don't worry about that garage...plenty of time in the cooler fall to do what you want to do out there...

    1. The garage will definitely have to wait!! We had lots of rain yesterday and the actual temp for the next week is suppose to be in the 100s.

      Have a good week.


  21. Vintage of your mothers looks beautiful. I usually love to have old things. Beautiful flowers.

  22. Hi Judy, the kids made me smile! Oh, to be young again. :) Your flowers look pretty darn good for such hot weather. We are hot here too. Looking forward to a little cooler temps!

    1. Those precious kids make me laugh every day!! We had lots of rain yesterday but heating up again this week.

      Have a good week.


  23. So happy you are getting settled in to your new cute home. I love the color of your house. Sweet! The power lines under ground will be great to not have to look at them but also when you get some of those wicked storms you probably will not lose power. Have a great week end.

    1. Thanks Kris. At first, I thought the first thing I would do was have this house painted. But it's growing on me and there are so many more things I need and want to do so I'll think about it a little longer.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  24. Your house continues to look wonderful Judy. I miss Alaska too, we went there probably 10 years ago it was so beautiful.

    1. Thanks Meredith. Yes, Alaska was just gorgeous. I hope to go back there again before too long. Have a great weekend.

