
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Happy and a Sad Day at the Same Time

Today is such a happy and sad day at the same time.  At 2:00 today John and I would have been married 48 years.

Also, 8 years ago today our dear sweet Landen passed away.  We were going to Hawaii for our 40th anniversary and decided to do Disneyland instead with him and stay close to home.  And it was good that we did so we could be there with him at the end of his short blessed life.

As I look back I know that the Lord looks after us and takes care of us, but oh dear Lord, I miss them both so much.  Especially on days like this when it should be a special day.

And it is a special day.  A day of remembering all of the joy, fun and love I had with both of these dear sweet souls.  I try so hard to remember the good times but sometimes the hurt and heartache creep in there.  

But, I am so blessed to have had them both with me for the time I had and I thank my Lord for the blessings He has bestowed on me.

Thank you dear friends for being here with me thru this difficult time and showing me your precious care and concern.

Love you all,


  1. Dearest Judy - this is such a difficult day for you. Happy and sad memories all at once. Know that we are all thinking of you and sending you our love.


  2. Dear heart...what a handsome man your sweetheart was...and you have hardly changed at all...still just as pretty.
    Hang on to the good memories...and it doesn't hurt one bit if you cry for your lost loved just shows how much you love them...and always will.
    hugs and kisses to you today....I hope you will go buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers today...and watch a great, uplifting comedy on tv....

  3. Dear Judy, these are hard days but you do have beautiful memories to keep in your heart forever!

  4. Such a sad and happy day for you. Hope you remember the wonderful things about your dearest and Landon. Hugs to you today!

  5. Such a bittersweet time for you, Judy...a big xoxo sent your way...

  6. Judy,
    May God continue to comfort you as you grieve for those you've lost in your sweet family.

  7. Judy, sending you prayers and hugs at this bittersweet time ♥
    Hugs, Jody

  8. Sending you prayers to ease the pain a little bit today.

  9. Sending you lots of love, hugs and prayers today, Judy. These special dates are so hard. I know what you mean about having the good memories, but the heartache sure creeps in, too.

  10. Dear Judy, I wish I could be there to hold you...there are days when we truly need hugs and I think you need some hugs today. So good that you stayed to be with Landon , on your anniversary. One day you will be with your John and Landon again. Bless your heart Judy. Sending you hugs and prayers. xoxo, Susie

  11. You can't help but feel that deep down empty feeling on days like today. I'm sending you lots of extra hugs today my friend. I hope it helps you to know how much we all care. Sweet hugs, Diane

  12. These are the losses that have to be the hardest. I am so sorry. Having the memories brings back some joy. Hugs

  13. Praying that your memories of these dear ones will comfort your heart today Judy.

  14. I know you are having a rough time right now remembering those two huge loves in your life, Judy. I pray you get through this time, tuck it back into your heart where it will always be safe, and find happiness in each blessed day.


  15. It's good you can remember the love you had for both of them. I think they know and appreciate your good thoughts. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  16. My kindest thoughts are with you.

  17. Thinking of you tonight, Judy, and the two dear loved ones in your life, your beloved husband and your precious Landen.

    love, ~Sheri

  18. Hoping the good memories are enough to get you through. Blessings.

  19. Dear Judy ~ May lots of wonderful, loving memories fill your heart and mind today.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  20. My heart goes out to you. I have memories like that too. My grandfather died on my birthday and our grandson died on his Mothers birthday.

  21. My heart goes out to you. I have memories like that too. My grandfather died on my birthday and our grandson died on his Mothers birthday.

  22. Judy want a tough day indeed. I hope you can find some comfort today in happy memories.


  23. Oh Judy, what a tough day that is. I think a lot of us have those days, they're hard but full of precious memories. Looking at all these comments shows you're not alone. Love Fiona

  24. Oh dear friend, I am sending your a HUGE HUG as you remember all of the years you had with John and Landen! I have felt sadness lately remembering my Mama on her Birthday! Drag out some old pictures, that helps me! Praying for you!

  25. Oh, Judy, I am feeling for you. . .God Bless! Your wonderful memories of your beloved husband and grandson are so very special. I feel honored that you've shared these with us today.

  26. Hugs from here, Judy. May God wrap His big arms around you today and every day.

  27. Sweet Judy, may you continue to rest in the Lord and find comfort and strength in Him. Thinking of you, dear one, and lifting you up in prayer. Much love and sweet hugs!

  28. Oh Judy, sorry to be so slow in reading my posts. I know this is a bittersweet time for you, but you have so many wonderful loving memories. They are above watching over you and sending their love to you.


  29. When these hard days come up for you I am so glad you have precious memories you can hold on too.

  30. Oh now, I can feel your pain. I just can't imagine. My little brother was killed in an accident at five years old. He was like my baby because I was 14. I was so grief stricken that I'd say to my mama that I knew how she felt because he was my baby too. She'd say, "Oh honey, you have no idea what you are talking about." Now that I have children and grandchildren, I know I never knew her pain. Prayers today and you remember. May you find comfort.
