
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Been A Little Busy

Do you remember when I thought I was finished with the entry?  I loved the blue painted chest and then I really loved the wooden piece I found for the top of the blue chest.  I loved the pale aqua plates.

But, I wasn't completely happy with the whole picture.

Enter -pale blue/aqua and cream buffalo check wallpaper and new paint color.

My walls were textured so that meant sanding them down and then four light coats of sheetrock mud with sanding in between each coat. YUCK - that fine dust covered everything in the house even tho the doors were all covered in plastic and tape.

But, it came out so smooth and even.  I hadn't even found the paper I wanted yet.  While I was visiting my sister there was a small shop that still stocked wallpaper and I found the perfect paper.

The same day we went to this craft consignment shop and I found this vintage architectural piece already painted.  When I got it home, it was the identical color of my cabinet underneath.

When I got the wallpaper hung, the white that had been painted to prime the new walls was too white.  So, off to Lowe's to get a cream colored paint to match the wallpaper.

My sister Jean came for a few days and helped me paint the other three walls of the entry.  The wallpaper ended up only on one wall.

Then sister Rita came over for a day and they helped me hang pictures and do various things to help me get ready for a brunch I'm doing the end of the month.

Aren't sisters the greatest?

Remember the Singer Bentwood Sewing Machine case I bought for $20.00?  Well, I finally got it open and guess what was inside?

A beauty of a vintage Model 99 Singer sewing machine complete with the knee pedal and perfect little box full of vintage Singer attachments!!  I was thrilled.

Will be sharing with you in the next couple of weeks the completion of several products I am trying to finish up before the brunch. But,this is my "Bronzer Bunch" of friends I've had for over 40 years so they will understand that my "work room" is really my "work room".  LOL




  1. You really have been busy! Love the new wallpaper....hugs...

    1. Thanks Penny. I am so pleased with the outcome. I liked it before but something was just missing.

      Have a great weekend.


  2. Hi Judy (and Hi to your Sisters too). That was a great deal of hard work and your entry is beautiful. The vintage architectural piece you added looks like it has been with you forever. What a well loved sewing machine you discovered inside the Bentwood Singer Case. One can imagine the importance of this machine to the original owner.

    1. Thanks Joy! I am so pleased even tho I don't know if I'll ever get all of that white dust out of everything. I am so blessed with my precious sisters. Was so excited when I got that Singer cabinet open. Didn't know for sure if something was inside or not, but it was so heavy.

      Have a great weekend.


  3. WOW Judy the entry looks amazing and you really worked hard getting that ready for your wallpaper. I think it goes really well with your chest and shelf and the dishes are perfect.

    I can believe that there was a sewing machine inside - you really lucked out on that - only $20.00. Does it work?

    You have really accomplished a lot since you moved to your new house and everything looks so good.

    Have a great weekend.


    1. Thanks Mary! I am very pleased. The Singer was a pleasant surprise as I didn't know what was inside because the guy couldn't get it open. I figured if it didn't have a machine, I'd use the Bentwood case in my sewing room for decor. So, I was a happy camper!! LOL

      Have a wonderful weekend.


  4. I have a machine very similar, in a cabinet. I love that old machine!

    1. I have my grandmother's old Singer in a cabinet with the treadle bottom. I need to get that out of the storage building and use it somewhere!

      Thanks for visiting.


  5. What a lovely transformation, Judy! I am a big fan of wallpaper and the new color of the little chest is just perfect! Love it!

    1. Thanks Debby. Actually, the little chest is the same color. It just looks different depending on time of day and light coming in. But, it does look better with the wallpaper.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  6. Such fun wallpaper, I bet it really makes the room. And how perfect that the architectural piece was the right color -- it was obviously meant to be, wasn't it? I'm sure having your sisters help you makes every job more fun. They're nice to help!

    1. Thanks! What is so funny is that I started removing the textured wall before I even found the paper. When I did find the paper, it was being discontinued and I got it for $2.99 a double roll. I was very pleased.

      My sisters are such a blessing to me. We enjoy each other so much and really value our sisterhood.

      Have a great weekend.


  7. What a difference the wallpaper made. I love everything , including the pretty architetural piece.Lucky on the great sewing machine too!

    1. Thanks! I love the wallpaper and am pleased with how it turned out - even with the big mess it was to smooth out those walls. I was pretty pleased when I finally got the Singer case open and found there actually was a machine in there.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  8. Judy, This is absolutely perfect! Love the table you are using now. It's beautiful!!! Great, great job!

    1. Thanks Kathy! It is the same cabinet - just looks different in the different light at various times of the day.

      Thanks for visiting.


  9. I can't believe all that work you did, Judy - impressive! Love the buffalo check. And, how wonderful to find that beautiful sewing machine in the case!

    1. Thanks Melanie! I can say it was worth it now that it is all done! LOL I am in love with the wallpaper. And the sewing machine.

      Have a great weekend.


  10. The wallpaper is charming...really brings it all together!

    1. Thanks Linda. I am really pleased.

      Have a wonderful weekend.


  11. I am in awe! And this just confirms how lazy I really am. Such a lot of work. But so well worth it. Love the checks. Finding that architectural piece in the right color is amazing! It is the perfect touch. Beautifully done!

  12. I am in awe! And this just confirms how lazy I really am. Such a lot of work. But so well worth it. Love the checks. Finding that architectural piece in the right color is amazing! It is the perfect touch. Beautifully done!

    1. Thanks Jacqueline. I wasn't sure it was worth it there for a few days, but now that it is done, it definitely was! LOL

      Thanks for visiting.


  13. Hi Judy, yo u worked very hard to get the space all pretty. I can't believe that gorgeous piece you found and how lucky it matched. Have a great weekend.


    1. Thanks Cindy. I saw the architectural piece and didn't buy it. After I got home, I called my sister and ask her to go back and get it for me. I am so pleased with how it looks.

      Thanks for visiting.


  14. Judy, your entry is gorgeous. I love anything aqua. Yes, sisters are wonderful and they always tell the truth when it comes to decorating!
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Marigene. My sisters are neither one really into decorating but they sure do have willing hands to do what I want to do. We had some precious time together.

      Thanks for visiting.


  15. I love wallpaper! It will go with all your decor. Having fun seeing how you are decorating your new home! You have done so much and it's all wonderful.

    1. Thanks Deb. I am thoroughly enjoying my new home and loving all of the decorating. I must say tho that it's harder than it use to be. LOL

      Have a great weekend.


  16. Amazing what a difference the wall paper made! I am glad it is making a comeback.

    1. Thanks Ann. I don't care what anyone says, I love wallpaper. It's so hard to find tho. Used to be able to go numerous places and look at scads of it in stock. Not really available now unless you order it. I was lucky to find this in stock and really cheap!!

      Thanks for visiting.


  17. Judy,
    Your wall paper choice really made this whole decor theme come together beautifully, dear friend!
    I love the architectural piece you found!
    I agree, that sanding walls is a h u g e mess!
    "Mr. Ed" and I got into that when we arrived on this side of the Prairie, too!
    Once the dust settles. . .be sure to put a new filter in your AC unit!

    1. Thanks Pat! I think now, that it was worth the effort. Wasn't too sure there for a while. LOL Thanks for reminding me of the filters!!


  18. Love it! Wallpaper is making a comeback. I had such a hard time getting the old stuff down that I vowed I'd never do it again. But this looks great. The architectural piece is great! So much character to your entry.

    1. Thanks! I really do like it. I had to hunt and hunt to find wallpaper. The stores just don't carry it anymore. But, am delighted with what I found. It is perfect for me!

      Thanks for visiting.


  19. ooo, Judy...I LOVE your wall paper...and it all looks so good together.
    love your vintage singer, too. have fun at your brunch

    1. Thanks BJ!! I just hope I get the house all together by the brunch. But, if I don't, these friends have known me for almost 50 years, so, they will understand!! LOL

      Have a great day!


  20. Love the wall paper. I have that same sewing machine on display in my sewing room.

    1. Thanks Cynthia. I am so thrilled with my $20 sewing machine purchase.

      Have a great weekend.


  21. That wall paper makes such a nice background to the architecture piece and to your gorgeous furniture.

    1. Thanks! I am very pleased (now that it is all done - LOL).


  22. Judy, that vintage wall piece goes perfect with your cabinet and wall paper. Your space looks wonderful now. I really like your cabinet, and want something just like that for my dining room area. The plates look sweet above too.

    You have many creative ideas, Judy, and your house is becoming a charming home.


    ps that sewing machine really got to me. What a treasure. It reminds me of my mom, who had a singer sewing machine and made all my clothes. :)

    1. Thanks Sheri! I am very pleased with the outcome. If I would have known how much work it was going to be, I don't think I would have had the nerve to start it! LOL

      I am really enjoying my new home and decorating it with all of the things I love.

      Have a great weekend.


  23. Such a lovely surprise to find in that box ♥

    1. It was a pleasant surprise. I was hoping it had a machine in it, but I thought for $20 the case would look good in my workroom!

      Thanks for visiting.


  24. I really like how the entry came out.. very charming and what collecting luck you have! What a score on that sewing machine! I have a very similar one.. how much did you have to pay? Will you have it re-wired and get it serviced at a sewing machine place? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  25. You have been busy! I love the aqua color!

  26. So completely charming and worth all of the hard work, I'm sure! It seems your pieces were meant to go together and I LOVE those plates!
