
Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Pretty Fall Day

Such a gorgeous day here in Oklahoma!  Woke up to a cool morning with it warming up in the afternoon.

Did a little Fall decor in the den.  Hung a garland on the fireplace with my Jim Shore houses on top.  

The garland was actually three garlands.  One of Fall leaves, one of tied fabric and then the acorn garland.  I made it out of cardstock and the tops are the scrapbooking paper that looks like corrugated cardboard.  They are strung on jute cord.

The mums on the front porch are about to burst open.

I love Jim Shore's pieces.  The pumpkin is one of my favorites.  I also have the great big one but - guess what?  It's packed somewhere and I don't know where.

This is my Morning Glory tree that got so tall it is laying on the ground despite being staked.  The blooms on this tree last longer into the day than the regular morning glories.

Still have tons of the mini Morning Glories on the fences and everywhere.  They are just so cute.

This is the next room I am working on now.  It is my office which is just off of my bedroom.  You may remember than I have started on it with some of these things....

tan and black plaid curtains at the sliding doors...

my Ethan Allen secretary...

this loveseat...

and this little dainty vintage drop leaf desk that I have had in storage forever.  As you can see, I'm going with a tan and black them in there.  Hopefully, I can get those shelves all arranged in the next week and finish that room up.

Thanks for all of the girls' birthday wishes.  I picked them up early at daycare along with Laynee and took them to McDonald's - one with a playground.  We had Happy Meals and they played on the playground for almost two hours.  They had a ball.  When Tiffany got off of work she came with a birthday cake and we shared with the other kids on the playground.  We are having their big birthday party on Sunday.  So, they are getting to celebrate all week!!

Have a great week!




  1. Happy Birthday continues, what a great idea to celebrate and get lots of playing time too. Love the progress on your office, looking forward to seeing more as you continue putting it all together. Hugs.

    1. Good day Joy! Yes, we have had a great time all week celebrating the girls' birthdays. LOL Have a great weekend.


  2. Judy, I am excited to see how you finish your room. I would love it. So funny the little girls are celebrating all week. Wonder if they will want to celebrate every day. LOL. Hope you are getting lots of hugs and kisses. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thanks for dropping by Susie! Yes the girls are going to be in for a big shock when Monday arrives and they don't get to celebrate anymore. LOL Have a great weekend.


  3. I love how great your Fall decorations are looking. The colors you are using in your office are great. I've enjoyed watching you decorate your home!

    1. Thanks Linda. I've really enjoyed working on the house and it has kept me busy - thank goodness. As the 2 year anniversary of John's passing gets closer, I need things to occupy my mind. Seems so impossible at times. Have a great weekend.


  4. Everything looks great Judy. Those darling girls - the all are so pretty and they are loving their ice cream. I like a Birthday all week too.

    Have fun on Sunday.


    1. Thanks Mary! Yes, those girls keep me busy and I love every minute of it. Have a great weekend.


  5. Replies
    1. I love anything Jim Shore!! Have a good weekend.


  6. I love your office the the color scheme that you've chosen. You can find some great sliding door security locks on Amazon that are easy to install. Since we have so many deer in our area that have been known to crash through glass, we got Home Depot to install a decorative wrought iron on the outside. They were inexpensive. They come in lots of colors, and we chose a pretty dark copper. Feels safer, now.

    1. Thanks for the tips. All I have in the back yard are dozens of squirrels and the new puppy greyhound that can stand on his four feet and jump the fence. He's friendly tho. I'm hoping real soon to replace the sliding doors with new ones so may wait a while on a new lock. Have a great weekend.


  7. Your office is going to be a wonderful space, and to have it right off your bedroom, and then doors to the outside. WOW! I love your loveseat fabric. The whole thing looks so comfy and a like a lovely place to get lost in with a good book.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks Lorraine. Yes, the office is very convenient. The loveseat goes with the chenille couch in the living room but when I got the two new pale aqua chairs for in there, I didn't have room for it, so it is perfect in the small office. Bella loves to lay there and watch outside for all of the squirrels! Have a great weekend.


  8. Love your fireplace - so pretty! Can't wait to see pictures of how your office as it progresses. I know it will be Judyful! :-) The only flowers still hanging on around here are zinnias. I'm actually surprised they're lasting this long. We've had about 5 nights down in the low 30's already.

    1. Thanks Mel! We still have a lot of flowers blooming. We've had some cool nights but nothing too low to affect the flowers yet. Have a great weekend.


  9. Judy,
    Your 'office' is coming together, quite nicely, dear friend!
    I had tan, black and white in our home office when we arrived here on the Prairie.
    Still have the black painted furniture and heading back that direction this Autumn, too!
    Cute, cute, cute Grand Girls!

    1. Thanks Pat! I'm anxious to get the office finished soon I hope! Have a great weekend.


  10. i would never have thought to put three banners together but it looks so pretty. Wish I had an office that large with such a great view! Know whatever you do it will be beautiful!

    1. Thanks Cathy! I'm hoping to finish it up in the next couple of weeks. Right now, I'm working on stuff for my Etsy shop and the girls' Halloween costumes. Have a great weekend.


  11. Love the three banners all intertwined, Judy. It is fun and looks great. Loving your office and the way you are going with it. It is going to be great. I bet you are having a lot of fun with your new home. xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana - I am truly enjoying working on my new home. It has given me so much to do and taken so much of my time. Just what I needed at this point in my life. On November 5th, John will have been gone for 2 years and it seems like forever. I just try to stay busy with the house and the little ones. So glad your hubby is doing well! God is so good!


  12. Love the tan and black theme for your office. You always manage to put things together so nicely. That Jim Shore pumpkin is very pretty! Belated wishes to the girls.

  13. Love your fall mantel Judy. The girls are just soooooo sweet. My grand Abby had a half day on Friday from school so we went to the playplace at McDonalds too. They love those playlands. We had a great time too. Happy Weekend.

    1. Thanks Kris! I don't understand how the kids can spend so much time doing the same thing over and over again but they love it. Each Monday when I pick them all up, we have been going to a different park in town. They are so excited to see where we are going on that day! Have a great weekend. Your home is looking gorgeous!


  14. So pretty! I used to love fall in Oklahoma so much. It is truly a special time.

    1. Thanks Stacey. We are having a really pretty Fall - much more to come because we had a lot of rain off and on all summer. Last year was such a dry year that when Fall came, everything was just brown. But, it looks like it's going to be beautiful this year. Did you live in OK?


  15. Fall at your home is looking quite lovely!!! I love your garland and it makes me wish I had a fireplace (or just a mantle?)
    Happy birthday to those little ice cream eating cuties!
