
Monday, October 3, 2016

Christmas Every Monday

Welcome to Christmas Every Monday!  Each Monday in October I will post a simple but fun Christmas project with tutorial so you can start on your handmade Christmas items.

Today, we are starting with a cute little Christmas vignette.

You will need:

A small crate or wooden tray
Small artificial Christmas trees
Merry Christmas wooden cutout
Spray Paint (I used a dark blue Indigo)
Miniature Fence
Artificial Snow

I originally was going to use a small wooden tray but then remembered I had these little wooden crates.

Spray paint the crate in a dark blue and the Merry Christmas cutout in white.

Cut the miniature fence to fit inside the crate and hot glue it down.

Hot glue the little Christmas trees.  I got a whole bag of these trees at a church garage sale.  The little bottle brush trees would be darling also.

Glue the greeting on.

Put hot glue around the bottom of the trees and sprinkle with the artificial snow.  That stuff goes everywhere!!

And you are finished with your little Merry Christmas vignette.  I think this would be cute in a bookshelf.

Extra project!!

A Christmas Tussie Mussie!!

You will need:

Package of Party Hats
Small ribbon for hanger
Fabric or Wrapping Paper
Hot Glue
Christmas Picks to put in when finished
Wider Ribbon for bows on side
Red Ball Fringe

These are so cute and so simple.  They are great to tuck a gift card in and hang on the tree.  The base for this is a Happy Birthday party hat!  I got these at Dollar Tree - 8 for $1.00.  They are a perfect size.

The first thing you do is hot glue a ribbon on each side for the hanger.

Lay your cone shape down on the fabric or wrapping paper and roll it to get an idea of what size you need to cover it in.

Start at the back seam and lay down a line of hot glue and start fitting the fabric to the paper cone.  I add dabs of hot glue as I work around the cone and also add a line of it around the top. 

When you finish, carefully cut the fabric off that extends above the top of the cone making it even.

Hot glue on red ball fringe and make two big bows to glue on each side where the handle is glued.

Add some Christmas greenery and you are done.  A whole bunch of these would be so cute on a tree.




  1. Judy this will be fun to see your fun craft for Christmas each Monday. This time of year will be here before we know it.
    Love the Merry Christmas box and the tussie is adorable. These would be cute to give with a gift certificate inside them too. Very clever and cute.
    Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Kris! I too, had thought of putting a gift card inside of the tussie mussie. Making them with the party hats makes it so quick and easy and inexpensive.

      Have a great Monday.


  2. Love the little shadow box. Looks like an easy and fun project. Love the dark blue background on it.

    1. Thanks. It is actually a navy blue but it didn't photograph that dark.

      Have a great Monday.


  3. These are fun, Judy! I am getting in the mood to do some Christmas crafting, too...looking forward to your posts!

    1. Thanks Linda. Never too early to start making Christmas items! Have a great Monday.


  4. Judy, What really cute ideas. I love them both. I know Emma Pooh would love to make those. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. They are both very easy and quick. Thanks for visiting.


  5. Those are very cute.. so where did you get those two vintage style trucks? :-) ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. OH.. I read below and you got them at Ross. What year did you get them? I'm in LOVE with the orange one!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Stacey. More to come.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  8. Love all your crafty projects!!

  9. I don't do Christmas crafts (or any crafts for that matter, lol) but this is absolutely adorable. I'm passing it along to a friend of mine who loves Christmas crafts.

    1. Thanks Melanie. Hope your friend enjoys them.


  10. Hi Judy, cute ideas. Love both these quick projects. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more on Monday's. xo

  11. You make holiday crafting so much fun by using things we can get and ideas that are easy to follow. I'm going to make one of those tussie mussies. I may make one for Halloween and put a black cat in it! lol Thanks girlfriend! Hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. The tussie mussies are so quick and inexpensive when you use those party hats for a base. Enjoy!


  12. Judy, what fun to see each piece when you make them. I think both are fantastic. LOVE Christmas.


    1. Thanks Cindy. I also LOVE Christmas and love making all kinds of things for the holidays.


  13. what a great idea, Judy, I'll be watching!

    1. Thanks Debra. How are you feeling? Good I hope. I pray for your health just about everyday. Thanks for visiting.


  14. Oh how cute! Precious projects:) Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing! HUGS!

  15. Ooooo, these are cute, Judy. I really like the snow covered mini trees and the miniature fence. The red cone is lovely with the pine cones. I know how much you love to work on projects, and Nel re-did her dresser that she had when she was a young girl. She will post about it on Saturday if you want to take a peek. :)

    Christmas time is a special time for working of craft projects. You always come up with creative ideas, Judy.

    love, ~Sheri

  16. I guess my thinking cap is not on right today. I can't figure out the brown mason jar with the snowman's head painted on the bottom and the snowflakes around the jar. Are you supposed to turn the jar upside down? Maybe the snowman has been melting away and all that's left is his head? I don't get it, Judy. Please enlighten me...
    I DO really love the red bear with the red ball tummy! Wow! So cute!

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