
Friday, November 4, 2016

Thankful and Sad At The Same Time

Tomorrow - November 5th - my beloved John will have been in Heaven for two years.  It is hard to comprehend life without him. That precious smile and those gorgeous brown eyes.  I remember his eyes were the first thing I noticed about him when I met him.  We met at work and were married six weeks later. But, it is such a blessing to know that he is cancer free and I'm sure having a ball with Landon.

It is just so hard to do day by day things without thinking - how John will have enjoyed this or that on a daily basis.  John was one of the most devoted Christians I have ever met in my life.  His Lord was so important to him and he lived accordingly.  Nothing was gray - it was either right or wrong.

But, I do have to be so thankful for the 46 years we had together.  When I think back over all of that time, I realize how blessed I am.

He would have been so involved with the great grandkids - just like he was with the grandkids.

I'm so sorry that the twins will probably not remember much about him except they still talk about their "Poppy" but they were barely a year old when he passed.

Bentley never got to meet "Poppy".

I truly think there are days that Bella misses him so much.  She still sleeps on his robe and drags it around the house.

John would have been so very proud of Tiffany and the job she is doing raising these precious little girls.  Devoting her whole life to them.  But, he always was so proud of Tiff and everything she ever did.

He got to spend alot of time with Laynee and I am so grateful for that.  She really misses him too.

So, as you can tell, I'm a little sentimental when I look back and realize that 2 years ago he was here and 2 years ago tomorrow, he wasn't.

Thank you all for all of your support during his illness and afterwards.  You will never know what it has meant to me.

I will take him a dozen yellow roses tomorrow and tell him again how much I miss him.

"Grief never ends...but it changes.  It is a passage, not a place to stay.  Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of is the price of 
Author Unknown

God is good!



  1. Sending you a huge HUG!! Praying for continued healing of your broken heart!

    1. Thanks Deb! You have been such a sweet support thru all of this and I will never forget all of your sweet notes. Thank you so much.


  2. Judy, Hugs for you sweet lady. The little saying at the end of your post is so true. My heart aches for you. Seeing the photo f your young love is so touching. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thanks Susie! I have so much to be thankful for but there are some many times I am so lonely feeling. But, I will survive!!


  3. Grief is the price of love, those are powerful words from your post. Two years is a short time for the heart; you built a great life together. A dozen yellow roses is a perfect remembrance for your hubby.

    1. Thank you Terra. Sometimes I can't believe two years has gone by and other days, it seem like 200. Yellow roses were always "our flowers".


  4. Dear Judy,

    What a sweet tribute to your beloved John. You are so blessed to have your children and grands and great-grands, though, and I'm certain that they keep you busy with lots of love!

    Thinking of you,

    1. Thanks Poppy! Have missed you. I am certainly sad but truly blessed.


  5. Oh Judy, I know how very much you miss John. But he is no longer suffering and will always be with you. I am sure Bella, misses him too. Take care and blessings to you.


    1. Thank you sweet Mary. Yes, my heart just aches.


  6. Your post is written so lovely. I'm happy that you have your wonderful family around you. December 30 will be two years since I lost my significant man from cancer. Even though we did not have a lot of years together the quality of time was remarkable. Sometimes it seems like yesterday that he left and some times it seems forever ago. Grief can be so difficult. My best girlfriend died three months earlier from three years cancer and my precious dog (age 10) died a few months later. Bless you as you travel through your journey. For sure it is one day at a time.

    1. Thank you Mary. So sorry for your losses. They keep telling me that time helps but I just haven't gotten there yet, but know that the good Lord knows what he has in store.

      Blessings to you.


  7. know I am bawling like a baby reading this. It strikes so close to home for me...and I feel bad that your outcome wasn't a happier one--that you could have had a few more years with such a wonderful man. But--what a blessing to know that he loved you so much and that you loved him...precious memories that you will hold in your heart. xo Diana

    1. Thank you sweet Diana. I am so glad your hubby is doing so well. God still has a lot for him to do here. I just figure that God had some things He needed John for more in Heaven than here. LOL Precious memories.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a beautiful post dear Judy! I am glad you were blessed with a loving, and long, although not long enough, marriage. I'm glad your hubby is now cancer free, as is mine.

    I love the piece you quoted at the end. Sigh!

    Love, hugs and prayers for you, more so at this time ~ FlowerLady

  10. Such a sweet and touching post. Thinking of you today dear Judy, and sending love.
    Helen xox

  11. Hugs to you Judy!!! May the precious memories help heal your sadness.


    1. Thank you Janie. There are so many good times to remember.


  12. Judy the memories warm your heart I know. Sending you hugs and smiles.

  13. What a lovely post to a lovely man. Thinking of you today.

  14. Bless your heart Judy, thinking of you.

  15. Hi Judy, your post is truly beautiful!! It has brought me to tears but so glad you can carry the love you both have for each other for all eternity. God holds both your hands till you meet again. Sending hugs your way. God Bless, xo

  16. Judy, I'm thinking of you and sending you hugs.


  17. Bless your heart, Judy; we grieve with you on this second year anniversary...

    1. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support.


  18. A beautiful post to someone loved so dearly. I am sure he looks down on you and feels blessed that you are all growing in love and togetherness xx

  19. Lovely and touching post, Judy. Time moves forward, even with a broken heart. We learn to deal with the loss in the best way we can, but the grief never truly leaves, it just becomes easier to carry. Thankful you have the blessings that get you through the tough times and they are such sweet blessings!

  20. Darling Judy, I know what a treasure John was - and is - and how greatly he is missed. He is with you in spirit, my friend. And he is with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And sweet Bella.

    I continue to be grateful that I had the chance to have a long phone conversation with him because it confirmed to me everything you have said about him. He was a wonderful man.


  21. Judy I love that you shared so much of your heart in this post. It is wonderful to see the pictures of John with all of you. He does have beautiful and soulful eyes. He was a wonderful man and it shows how much he blessed your lives. What a gift to have all these wonderful memories of so many years together. Hugs my sweet friend.

    1. Thanks Kris. I was and still am truly blessed by having him in my life for all of those years. God is good.


  22. We miss them know matter how long it has been. Sometimes the better life was with them the hard it is. Hugs to you on this day.

  23. Thank you for sharing pictures of your beloved husband and telling us a little about him. I can't imagine how much you miss him. God bless you, Judy.

  24. Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures and lovely memories. Thinking about you and hope you always cherish those wonderful memories.

  25. First of all, I love your wedding picture! How cute you both were and I don't think I have ever seen a happier bride. Joy just radiated from your adorable face. I know how much you miss John. He was such a fine, fine man, devoted husband, father, and grandfather. They don't come any better than John. I know he is proud of all of you and one day you two will be reunited again, and the rest of the family some time later. Some days are harder for you than others, I understand this. Trust that you will be together once again when God calls you home. Until that day, keep loving your family and friends. Keep your head held high and know that you are a wonderful person and so many of us love you so very much!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  26. Thank you for such a beautiful tribute to your John. I can see why you miss him so much; you two had such a wonderful life together. I love your posts and your DIYs. I have loved watching your new house become your home. You are such a brave, talented lady & a fellow Okie!

    1. Thank you Deb for your sweet comments. Where do you live in OK?


  27. He sounded like he was a very precious man, just like my Don. I can't imagine what you're going through. May the God of all comfort be your source of strength during these difficult times. Xoxoxo

    1. Thank you so much. I certainly could not have made it this far without my Lord's presence. I see and feel it every day.


  28. Thinking of you in these days! Our lives continue and we make them proud! You are doing amazing and I'm honored and inspired by calling you friend! Blessings, Cindy xo

    1. Thank you Cindy. I know you know exactly what I am going thru.


  29. Oh, Judy ... I'm just now getting around to reading this. It touched my heart in so many ways. God bless you and comfort you. That doggie brought a tear to my eye.

    1. Thanks Dayle. Yes, Bella really missed John. But, she is a lot of company and comfort to me.



  30. This is very hard I know first hand. I have been a widow almost 10 years now since I was 59
    I have friends who say why don't you get remarried ?
    Why because there is no dream boat with pretty eyes and a good heart to sweep me off my feet LOL
    You granddaughters are precious

  31. I just wanted to say that your post was such a beautiful, loving tribute to your beloved husband. John sounds like a very special man and you two had a wonderful, blessed marriage.

    P.S. I'm behind in blog reading since my blog break, but I will get caught up soon. You have done an amazing job with your new home!

  32. What a nice post, Judy, remembering your beloved John. Love that wedding picture of you both. :)

    Thinking of you at this nostalgic time in your life.

    love, ~Sheri

  33. So true about grief. It's always with us, just in different ways at different times. You were surely blessed with a long life together. Blessings of comfort.
