
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy Belated Christmas Wishes and Hope For The New Year!!

Don't know where my time has gone the past few weeks.  All I know is that I am glad these holidays are about over.  I love Christmas but this year has been especially hard on me for some reason.

I did get my Christmas tree up finally.  It turned out really pretty.  Now, next week, I'll take it all down. It is rather lonely putting up a tree and decorating it by yourself.  The little ones offered to come over and help but alot of my ornaments are glass and I didn't think that would work too well.

One of the highlights of the season was watching Laynee's Christmas program at school.  They did "The Night Before Christmas" and all wore pajamas.  They were so cute and sang some really cute songs.

Couldn't let Christmas pass without Bella posing in her new Christmas outfit.  She wasn't especially pleased but I did manage to get a photo of her.  She is such a sweet dog and so much company to me.

Believe it or not, I have made a list of things I am going to do this year.  (I AM NOT A LIST PERSON)  One of the things I am going to do is writing my posts more often.  Thank you to the several who have written making sure I am okay.  I am fine - just been swamped getting ready for the holidays.  With four great grandkids and five grandkids, it takes me a while.  That's what old age will do for you!  LOL

Happy New Year to all.



  1. To you too Judy, Happy Belated Christmas Wishes (beautiful tree, well decorated Bella) and I am wishing the best for next year. Hugs.

  2. Is there anything cuter than little kids in their Christmas programs? Bella looked like she was a bit shy about dressing up as Santa.

    It looks like you had a very Merry Christmas. This year the days before and after Christmas are just speeding by. I only managed to get my red ribbon on one of the two white porch posts. I still haven't done the second post, nor have I taken down the ribbon from the first post. My front door wreath looked pretty until a hard wind one night blew some of the little ornaments off of it. I think I was just sidetracked this year before Christmas, and am still feeling somewhat sidetracked.

    Best wishes for a Happy New Year, a bit ahead of time, but better early than not gotten around to.

    Susie D.

  3. Happy holidays sweet lady ! I was hoping you were busy with holiday fun with your family. How sweet the little one in PJs and of course Bella! I'm wishing you the very best in the New Year. And I need to make a list too! Hugs!

  4. You are not alone Judy. It took me forever to decorate and I didn't put up as much as I normally do. I am still exhausted and now it's time to take it down. I have to get help as I just can't lift the tubs anymore.

    Your tree is very pretty and Bella WOW. She is such a sweet dog and she sure does act like my Lili. Your granddaughter looks so cute in her jammy's.

    Belated Merry Christmas and wishing you a wonderful New Year.


  5. Just glad you are okay. Happy almost New Year.

  6. a belated merry Christmas to you Judy, I was so happy to see this post go through my feed and hear that all is well with you. It's hard to hear that you had to put up the tree by yourself, and then decorate it too. But I loved hearing about Laynee's Christmas show, she's such a cutie. Wishing you and your sweet Bella a wonderful 2017,

  7. Your tree is pretty. I put up less this year, much easier to take down and pack back away.

    Laynee's Christmas program looks and sounds like it was really sweet.

    Your Bella's sweet outfit is a hoot!

    Have a great 2017 and I look forward to reading your posts in the coming year.


  8. Oh look at Bella, such a sweetie. I can't survive without lists, so good luck with yours. There's nothing more satisfying than crossing off everything once you have achieved it. Have a very Happy New Year!! xx

  9. Happy New Year Judy! I'm ready to say goodbye to 2016 and hope that the new year brings me some peace and some changes. I too hope to blog more. Glad you are doing well and Bella is a sweetie. Hugs!

  10. Glad your Christmas was good. Christmas can be the happiest times but yet remind of us the people we miss and the wonderful memories. Happy New Year. Seems everyone is wanting to attend to their blogs more....good because I miss hearing about my blogging friends!

  11. Such a pretty tree. Hope you have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  12. Hi Judy, your tree is perfect and Bella looks happy and proud. Wishing you all many blessings in 2017. ox

  13. Hi Judy,
    I love your tree it is so pretty. Love always seeing the grands and great grands. I know they give you such joy.
    Wishing you great health, much happiness and unexpected joy in the new year. Glad to hear you will do more posts. Love seeing your sweet and fun posts. Happy 2017 my friend. Bella looks adorable!

  14. Christmas will bring out the sadness in us because of a loved one lost. Be kind to yourself my friend. Happy New Year.
