
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Don't Faint - I'm Still Here!!

I can hardly believe that it's been almost two months since I have posted.  Time certainly gets away from me.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are all prepared for Christmas next week. LOL

This jolly Santa was standing on the corner in my neighborhood last week. Don't know where he came from or where he went.

Have done a wee bit of Christmas decorating.

The breakfast room.

My vintage Christmas tablecloths on an old ladder.

This Amaryllis is just gorgeous!

Up until about a week ago,  my geraniums were just still so pretty. Then, we had a hard frost.

My final yellow rose of the season.

I got this small red guitar at an Estate sale and boy, have the girls enjoyed it. Here, Laynee is serenading us.  Bella just howls when they do that.  The girls think she is singing with them.

The last few months have been so busy.  My sister Jeannie has been in and out of the hospital with heart problems.  Kaycee has also with her lungs. Her insurance just approved one of those vibrating vests to wear at home. They used one quite a bit in  the hospital and it really helped. So, we'll see.

I am going to have some major eye surgery on January 4th in Oklahoma City. It's just cataract surgery but due to the other eye condition I have,  they wanted me to go to OKC to the OU Medical Center where they have the McGee Eye Institute.  So, will  be out of commission for just a few days hopefully.

Here's hoping you all have a  wonderful and happy Christmas and a great 2018. Will try harder to post more often. Special thanks to all of you who have  sent me emails checking on me.  You will never know how much I appreciate it.

Love from Judy and Santa Bella!


  1. Hi Judy, great that you posted today. Keeping you all in my prayers. Wishing you a good and Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  2. Love your decorations, especially the red cake stand with the 3 trees! I was wondering where you were as you usually post more often, I'm glad you're okay. Good luck with the eye surgery!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
    *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*

  3. Judy, So glad to hear from you. Your grandgirl with the guitar is adorable. How can she be that big already? Wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas. Praying for your sisters. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Merry Christmas. Love your vintage tablecloths! Prayers for a safe surgery in the new year.

  5. So glad to here from you. Great post. I know how you feel, time just slips away so fast. I know that being olden takes more time to do my chores. Bella looks so cute with her hat. Bella and Lili look like they could be sisters.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope your sister is feeling better.


  6. So good to hear from you. You sound happy and busy! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  7. I checked your blog recently to catch up on your posts and saw it had been a good while. Glad you are ok. Merry Christmas!

  8. I checked your blog recently to catch up on your posts and saw it had been a good while. Glad you are ok. Merry Christmas!

  9. Good to know you are well, Judy! Your home looks festive and I love that pic of Bella!

    Best of luck with the surgery, I will be thinking of you.

    Happy Holidays,


  10. So good to hear from you again, Judy! You are one busy lady. Your home looks so pretty and festive. I love that red cake plate! If I don't talk to you before Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful and blessed holiday with Bella and your family. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a successful eye surgery on Jan 4th. xoxo

  11. Hi Judy,
    So good to see your post today and know all is fairly well for you and your sister and grands. Love the guitar with it being your signature red. How fun for the girls. Little Bella is so adorable. Love that Santa was in your neighborhood making his list and checking it twice lol! Have a great week as we count down to the big day.

  12. Judy- It is so nice to see a post from you. I am sorry your family has been fighting illnesses and that you have to have the eye surgery. Sounds like you are going to the right place to have it done though. How funny to see Santa just walking down the street.

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Blessed Christmas. xo Diana

  13. Judy, Love your Christmas home! We don't have any snow here, but it's been cold. Really love a bit of white for Christmas. We have had alot going on here as well. Some sad, some happy. Last Sunday we had a new grand baby arrive. That is always exciting for sure! Hope all goes well for all of you! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  14. Merry Christmas. Your home looks very festive with all the red, green and white. I like those little trees on the red glass piece. Best wishes for your cataract procedure in January.

  15. Your home looks beautiful decked out in red and green. My favorites colors to use for the holidays. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

  16. LOVE that red cake stand:) I will be praying for you as you head to get the eye surgery! Have a blessed "Day After"! HUGS!

  17. Thanks for posting
    Love those Christmas tablecloths
    I have given them for presents and want them all back LOL
