
Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Crazy Week

This last week has been so busy and crazy.  The newest thing in Laynee's life is that she has learned to wink.  You will notice that anytime the camera is out and pointed toward her, she winks.  Oh well, I think it is cute!!  But, then I am a little prejudiced.

Saw this gorgeous McCoy pot at the Flea Market - it is about 14" tall.  But, the price was a little too steep for me.  But, isn't it beautiful?

I pick the three girls up at daycare several days a week and it is a real experience.  The only bad thing about it is those darn carseats.  Getting the seats in and then getting the girls all buckled in.  I am so tired just doing that.  But, then I am old!!

First thing when we get home are treats and drinks.  Kaycee is very demanding about that.  LOL

The are so fun to take home and keep until Tiffany gets home from work.  The daycare closes at six and she doesn't get off of work until six.  So, I try to fill in for her.

Taking them all out to eat is a real experience also.  (Notice the wink).

Baby Bentley is growing and doing well.

I have 17 - yes I said 17 - baby rabbits in the back yard.  They live under the playhouse. 

Bella watches them but hardly ever chases them.  She sits on the back porch and looks like a bobble-head doll trying to watch them all at one time.  In addition to the 17 babies, we have 7 adult rabbits.

Also have baby Mourning Doves.  Will try to get a picture of them this week.

Went with Laynee's daycare class of 11 to the Tulsa Driller baseball game.  They all wore these bright lime green neon scarves so we could keep track of them. 

I thought later, they may have had me wear one of those to keep track of me. 

Another partial wink!

Had to make a trip to Oklahoma City yesterday to the McGee Eye Institute.  I have this strange problem which boils down to arthritis in my eyes.  It flairs up ever so often and I have to see the specialist there.  I use a $350 bottle of eye drops for a week and it's gone.  It takes me longer than that to get over the shock of the price.  LOL

I met with a wonderful contractor whom I'm sure you will get to know in the next month or so.  They are starting in two weeks gutting both of my bathrooms, part of the kitchen and building a screened in back porch.

I had no idea it would be so hard to pick out all of the components....

Now, yes, I am a retired Interior Designer, but it is so much harder when it is your own home.  Believe it or not, I have pink tile in my hall bath and a Harvest Gold sink in the kitchen.  So, don't you think it is about time to redo?

We had some major plumbing to be done (our house was built in 1950) so I just decided to do it all at once.  I ask the contractor yesterday if he minded if I took lots of before and during and after photos and he was thrilled.  So, you have that to look forward to if you like that kind of thing.

He says they can have it all finished in 3-4 weeks.

Hmmmm - we'll see about that.  Hope he is right.  I am concerned about how Bella is going to react to all of those people in and out of her house.

Hopefully, we will both adjust.

Have a great weekend and I'll be back soon with a Saturday Treasure post.




  1. Judy, I have been keeping the grands two or three times a week since I moved to Nashville and I've had to add heat and ice to my back every night. I have a 3 year old, a one year old and a 6 month old. The 6 month old is a chunky little monkey as beautiful as can be and she weighs as much as the one year old. I kept her Sunday through Tuesday. Then yesterday we went to the pool and I swam with my other too. Walking up stairs at apt and babysitting sure will do it. Maybe I'll be in shape in a few months:) BTW, love McCoy pottery.

  2. Enjoyed the winks! Really a cutie! Made me smile. Thank you!

  3. You are busy Judy...looking forward to pics of your remodel.

  4. Love those lime green scarves - kinda hard to miss! lol. That winking little girl is precious, as is Bentley!

  5. How exciting to have renovations!! Hope it doesn't disturb your life too drastically, but an exciting time!!

  6. You are very, very busy! Love Laynee's wink. Adorable. That piece of McCoy is wonderful but it's overpriced. You can get them for much less than that - just sayin' - I think I spent no more than $50 for each of mine.

    Much love,

  7. Judy, I have to say that is the sweetest little winking girl ever. I love it. You have been busy for sure. Claudia over at Mockingbird Hill collects McCoy pottery...She just showed something last week with that color and pattern. You are right, pricy !! Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  8. Hi Judy! Oh, my, those little gals are so cute and I love the winks! How exciting to do some redoing. I know everything will look so pretty! I can't imagine all of those little bunnies.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Judy, I love the wink!! I have car seats in my car and I know what you mean about getting worn out by it all, but I love my Grands and help all I can also. That McCoy piece is gorgeous but NOOOO on the price for me also. Good luck with the remodeling, it is so much work but it will be nice to have nice bathrooms and updated kitchen!

  10. That's the cutest wink ever! And she's so serious about it too, adorable. Love the McCoy pot, think I saw one in a beautiful green years ago that I've regretted passing up, but it was much cheaper.

    My goodness, the cost of your eye drops! Unbelievable! I just showed your rabbit pics to my husband. We used to have them but our dogs are nice as Bella and we don't often see them anymore.

    That's so exciting about your new construction work! I am one who definitely likes to see before, during and after pics.

  11. Judy,

    You have a lot on your plate but the home fix up sound awesome---that's always exciting. And your precious ggrands...How I love that wink. I can't do that---wink! How cool that would be!! ;-)

    Oh wow...all those rabbits. To think your pup is that passive! Mine would freak and Layla (all 9 pounds) is notorious for searching out their little holes and wreaking havoc on the babies. Sad.

    Sorry I've been so absent! Hugs to you!

    Jane x

  12. Hi Judy, Oh how busy those gbabies keep us. Can't wait to see pics of your renovations as we are getting estimates to remodel our kitchen. Its exciting but at the same time a little stressful. Good luck with everything. Lucy

  13. Oh my...those winks are so adorable!! We remodeled our kitchen a few years ago and now we have started work on our living room and dining room. Our house was built in the early 50's too. Can't wait to see your renovations when they are finished.

  14. Hi Judy,
    What a cute little winker you have. How exciting the updo's your are starting. I know it will be fabulous. Have a great Friday and week end.

  15. Judy,
    This little granddaughter is soooo cute! I love her wink and oh that sweet little face, all of your grandchildren are just precious. I am so looking forward to seeing the before and after photos of your remodel and redo, I see that Cindy is on the same path as you and so is my one daughter who lives in California.
    Wishing your a lovely Weekend,

  16. you certainly have been the third wink ( partial ) I was just cracking UP! :)

    Car Seats...first time car seat when my grandson was a baby...I had to get the young mom at the office to install it for me and it took HER 10 minutes or more. When my youngest son borrowed my car on occasion I'd tell him if one of your friends moves that seat or tries to take it out I'll kill them!

    At one point, the oldest was home for awhile and had to put it into his car and he is an ENGINEER and it took him 20 minutes and several texts to Daddy to do it! :)

  17. Hi Judy, you are a busy girl. Love the little wink pic. The little ones are so cute. Great idea for the bright bandannas to keep track of the kiddos. You sure have a big sweet family of bunnies living under your shed. I bet it's fun to watch them and Bella looking on is amazing. Looking forward to your reno. before and afters. I know it's work but will be so worth it in the end. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  18. What a cutie-pie winking and all the little ones are just precious! I had my very own carseats that I just left in:) That kept them situated and saved me some time and trouble! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  19. All that winking is cute :) I bet you're tired thats a lot of hard work and as we age it gets that much harder. Can't wait to see what you picked for the bathroom.

  20. Those pictures of her winking are adorable!

  21. There is just nothing cuter than a little one winking. Little Buddy winks with both eyes, it is so cute.

  22. I love that little wink! All three of your babies are adorable, you are blessed. Can't wait to see how your redo's turn out.

    Mary (formerly Ms. Redo, now 120 Spring Street)

  23. Learning to wink is a pretty important life development and she is so cute doing it.:)
    Can't wait to see your renovations.
    xo Laura

  24. O, I love that little wink...adorable.
    So exciting to redo your house. You are going to have such fun...

  25. Those winks are adorable! I love that age! Your home is going to be beautiful I'm sure, and look forward to seeing your updates!

  26. Your kiddos are precious Judy. Loved seeing their photos. I'll be looking for updates on your renovation work. Just the little bit of touch up stuff we did here was exhausting! Molly was a tad worried about the whole thing too.:-)

    Happy weekend!

  27. Judy, I love Laynee's winks. So, so cute! I tell you I can't wink worth a darn. I can do my left eye slightly, but if I try to do the right I can't keep the left eye open. lol! Weird I know! I love tending our grands now and then, but yes it does wear you out. And ditto on the car seats! Hope your eyes are doing better and can't wait to see the redo. A screened porch sounds heavenly!

  28. Wow, Judy, you sure are one busy lady! I'm sure those little ones keep you on your toes. Laynee is so cute with her new trick. We have a bunch of baby bunnies in our back yard, too. They're living under the row of arborvitae trees. They're getting more adventurous and now we're starting to see them out in our side yard and even closer to the front of the house. When my cats see them out the window, they go nuts! I will "warn" you about the home renovations: it's very stressful (for you AND any pets) with people in and out of the house all the time, your space being invaded, and the noise and tons of dust...and it always takes longer than expected! BUT, it's all worth it in the long run. If these are people you can trust in your home without you there, I suggest leaving for most of the time they are there, even if it's just to go to the library.

  29. LOL - she is too cute, Judy! It is always something new with them at that age, isn't it? I know my granddaughter {she will be 5 next month} always makes me laugh with her new "thing". She has told me she doesn't want to be 5, she wants to stay 4, so she doesn't want a birthday. I said, "How's about an unbirthday party?" and she was up for that! Apparently, once you turn 5 your favorite clothes don't fit anymore and you aren't cute???? That's her logic anyway!

  30. That is so cute that your granddaughter is "winking"! LOL! I can't wait to see your redecorating....yes, please share the journey! You have more energy than I do going with the day care to a ball game. It would take me days to recover! LOL!
    My dogs are the same about the deer here unless they come in the yard but otherwise they will watch them and not chase them. Your grandchildren are adorable!
