
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Times In Our Lives

There are so many times in our lives when we just say "why"?

I read this on Facebook and thought it was so appropriate and wanted to share it with you.

"There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it.  You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.  Learn from the bad and focus on the good.  Love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't.  Life is too short to be anything but happy.  Falling down is part of life.  Getting back up is living."
Jose N. Harris

We all go thru life experiencing things that happen that we don't understand but I think the point here is to not let it get the best of you and your life.

With all I have been thru the last two years, I don't think I can handle any more negativity, sadness or loss.  But, I do know that the Lord is not going to give me more than I can handle. 

I also know, that He gives me enough common sense to know what is good for me and what's not.  I know too, that there are too many good people out there that can enhance your life to let the others get you down.

Tomorrow is the seven month anniversary of John's passing and I know he is up there telling me to focus and love on the good people I have in my life.  I am very grateful for the friends and family that I have.




  1. Hugs. Life throws us a lot of curves. Sometimes you have to have positive people around.

  2. Very well said! Hugs to you.

  3. Hugs too! Life does throw us curve ball we don't want, but then it's part of life. You must miss John so much, and learning to be without him is a huge task. What times get rough I think about all the great years you've had together and will again one day. So sad I'm no longer on your blog list...

  4. I love that quote that you shared! I can't imagine the loss that you feel without your husband but know that so many deal with it everyday. Sometimes, I think (if I could choose) I would want to go first so I would never have to know what that loss feels like. But we don't get to choose. We have to deal with what life gives us and we don't have a lot of control over death. It's good that you have your faith to lean on. That's very important. Also, keeping in mind that your husband is with you in spirit every day and you will reunite with him again one day.

  5. You have exactly the right attitude, Judy. I wonder sometimes how much more I can bear in a situation and then see that there is hope on the other side of the situation. I can't believe that John has been gone for 7 months already. Life just keeps moving us along, doesn't it?

    God bless you, Judy. You are a good soul. xo Diana

  6. Hi sweet Judy, I know John would want you to be happy !! Especially in grief, you have to surround yourself with positive vibes and uplifting family and friends. Your children and grandchildren and you and your entire family are the legacies of love and inspiration from you and John. From the smallest gesture to grandiose things - happiness and kindness come in many forms. The receptionist at our doctor's office is always smiling and so sweet. I was there today and she always makes me think of how the world is better because she is smiling and helping folks check-in. Stay strong, keep the faith, just know the world is a better place because you bring joy to others too in your blog. Truly .. "the magic of ordinary days" makes a day blessed <3 oxox

  7. Focusing on the good, the blessings in our lives is a powerful attitude and choice that each of us has the opportunity to make! I'm so grateful for the people (both in real life and blogland) that God has surrounded me with as I walk this new path in life. You too, Judy, are a blessing and I know God has placed wonderful people in your life to lift you up when you are weak and to pray you through the roughest of days! You do bless my life! Cindy xoxo

  8. Love you Judy. Your strength gives me inspiration. We go through hard, horribly hard things and to have a friend who is strong and stays kind and sweet is so important. Love you! Really. Bev

  9. Judy, this is so true! I've had some relationships that I had to distance myself from and I understand. Negativity and depression can drown a person and while you can try to help you can't always. They can pull you down with them and if you are like me I can't handle too much more in my life right now. John is there and guiding you as you travel this road of loss and grief! Lifitng you up in prayer.


  10. Judy;
    You are such a Dear Friend.
    God Bless You and ALL of your Family.
    John is Watching over You and is With You, at All Times.
    Take one day at a time....
    Be Happy and Rejoice in the times which you and John had together.
    Take Care :-)

  11. So well said, my friend. As I get older, I do my best to eliminate any negative influences on my life - Eliminate the toxic, I call it. I don't have time for that kind of thing. You're so right. And John, of all people, knew that. He's there for you, even now, guiding you. You deserve only the best as you are the most giving person I know. But who wants to give when there's nothing returned but negativity? There are those who will continually create and re-create drama, but you don't have to sign on! Much love to you and thank you for that quote.


  12. Sometime's you have to hit the delete button to people that give off negative, toxic energy. I believe John's helping to give you that strength . Yes, you've had enough sadness and loss in your life.... you don't need ANY negativity. You deserve nothing but happiness and cherished memorie's of John and Landen everyday :))) Your flower's look beautiful. Blessing's, TT

  13. Hi Judy, you said it all beautifully. The older I get the more I try to stay focused on the good and let the negative go. John was your positive and he is sending you that strength now. Lovely flower photos. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  14. How true. I'm going to write this quote down in my journal this morning. I have to remind myself over and over to let some people go that bring negative vibes into the world and bring everyone down with them. Take care of yourself. I keep you in my prayers. Sweet hugs, Diane

  15. Good for you, I think you know what's right in your life and I agree stay away from the bad and surround yourself with the good. There's more good to be found. Stay strong and God Bless.

  16. Beautiful Judy. Each day is a gift as you well know with dealing with profound loss so if we learn anything in life it is to take each day as a gift and make the best of it. Glad you are choosing to live your life as happy and full as possible.

  17. I hope you're doing OK, Judy. Trust me, I know exactly what you mean. Enough is enough.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I would rather be alone than be surrounded by people who consider themselves victims; people who cannot stop complaining about everything; people who consider themselves entitled to everything they want without having to do anything in exchange for it. I enjoy your blog so much as it is always uplifting, even when there is sadness. I wish we could give you a big group hug to let you know how much we care about you & your sweet family. Hugs to Bella too!

  20. What a beautiful, comforting post, Judy. I lost both my sister and my mother in 2013 within 6 months of each other. It's a blessing to me also, to have my family help ease the pain of such a great loss. God's blessings to you.

  21. Such a wise post, Judy, from someone who certainly has the hard-won credentials to pass this on to others. I have to watch what I let my mind and heart be exposed to. I won't listen to local news except for the weather during bad storms and I have to admit skimming through FB, wanting to be there for a relative who needs it but tuning out constant "the world's going to hell in a hand basket" mindsets.

    There are too many beautiful things I might miss otherwise, such as those lovely yellow petunias in your second picture. Whatever is the name of the tiny white flowers with them?

    I know you ache with loss but you seem to try to fill your days with beauty. I'm so glad that you do.

  22. May each new day find you stronger than the last, Judy. Dealing with loss and grief is a long process, and each step is important. The best we can do is look up and know that God is with us, through it all.

  23. Oh I feel so bad for you! I know how important it is to surround yourself with up beat people who bring you joy. I've broken up with a few "Friends" over the years who really brought me down. I think you are doing the right thing, just putting one foot in front of the other and keeping on, pretty soon it might become easier. Know we are all here for you in blog land 24/7


  24. This is a very nice saying, Judy. And such pretty flowers on here today. Yes, keep thinking the way you do. Goodness is what we need to surround ourselves with always.

    Have a peaceful weekend.


  25. I wish you comfort in your mourning process, I understand. Surround yourself with wonderment not sadness as it seems you already do.

  26. Dear have such a good head on your shoulders...and love in your heart. I pray for comfort for you...
    your flowers are making me sooo envious...they are just beautiful.

  27. You have been through a devastating loss, but you have such a great attitude. I decided long ago that it is in the best interest of your own self-preservation to cut toxic people out of your life. If you don't look out for yourself, it is unlikely anyone else will.

  28. It's so hard to lose people we love, isn't it? I'm so thankful for God's mercy and love for without it, even with all the sorrow in our lives, how would we ever get by?

    You are such a beautiful soul. May God's peace be with you.

    Love to you, friend.


  29. Judy you have had more then your share of loss and sadness. My heart breaks for you. It's better to avoid those who cause so much drama, and drain others....we all have to come to our own conclusions about that, and it's not easy to walk away...but sometimes we need to.


  30. Judy you have had more then your share of loss and sadness. My heart breaks for you. It's better to avoid those who cause so much drama, and drain others....we all have to come to our own conclusions about that, and it's not easy to walk away...but sometimes we need to.


  31. I so enjoy reading your blog...and how you have learned to handle things. It's very insightful and thought provoking. Much joy to you, Judy. (Oh, and your photos are lovely!).

  32. It is always a pleasure to read your blog as as you live your life with such grace and dignity even at the most difficult times. I agree with the Jose N. Harris quote and feel that by giving into the negative and often manipulative that we do in fact enable these people whom I do, in fact, often also feel sorry for.
    I'm sure John is looking down and guiding you every decision.

  33. Judy...sometimes we just have to let those go from our life's that bring us down. I'm sure that John is up there watching over you until you are together again. Your flower photos are so pretty! Been keeping you in my prsyers.

  34. Judy,

    THANK YOU for this most beautiful post. It is very timely, for me, right now, and you cannot imagine how meaningful both your own words are, and the author of the message.

    Take care, and know that YOU, my friend, are one of those sweet people that makes others happy.


  35. So true dear friend! I steer clear of people with negative thoughts and surround myself with positive folks! Praying for you, HUGS!

  36. Good Morning Judy,
    This is such a beautiful and touching post and the words you have written are so truthful. Enough is enough and as we age and go through heartaches, sadness and life's tribulations which are nearly unbearable to the soul, heart and mind it is best to surround ourselves with only those who uplift us. Drama and negativity are dangerous.
    Thinking of you with much care and praying for you too.

  37. Hugs to you - love your optimistic attitude.

  38. Judy what a beautiful post! I read that on fb and thought the same thing. I love being happy and I am not going to let others take that away from me. Sure we can't control some of the bad things that happen in our life, but a positive attitude can work wonders. You are doing just that!

  39. Such wise words, I do agree! I admire your positive attitude, dear Judy, and wish you many happy times ahead.
    Helen xox

  40. Just stopping in to say hi and hope this is going to be a good week for you. xo

  41. A beautiful post from a strong and lovely woman :)

  42. A beautiful post from a strong and lovely woman :)

  43. Very true. Stay away from the drama and the negative Nellies and surround yourself with uplifting people :) BTW, I saw your post on the water in Texas. Scary stuff. Glad you got back out of there in one piece!

  44. Judy, I've read this a couple of times and keep coming back to it. I have let some negative people go from my life. It's hard but necessary sometimes.

  45. Sending you all my positive thoughts and prayers for your continual strength...and on days when you aren't feeling so strong I hope you are supported by people who love you and who will listen to your feelings. I am always inspired by you my friend.

  46. God bless you, Judy. Someone once told me, "If people around you are negative and pulling you down, you do not want to be around them". Be with people who will lift you up. Life is hard. We need to have positive companions.

  47. So true, great post! I think you are doing fantastic although I know you must have your down days but your friends and family seem very supportive and having those grandchildren around...who could stay sad for long. They make you smile.
    I hope each day gets brighter and brighter for you.
