Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My View On Life

So, I think this really tells you my view on life!!  I really do keep pretty calm regardless of the situation and I get a big thrill out of buying shoes!!  I love shoes!!
I hate the fact that due to foot problems (and age) I can't wear the 5" heels that are so popular right now.  I wore pretty high heels when I was younger - much younger!
So, I look at all of the pretty shoes and then buy the ones that are the most comfortable (which usually are Clarks).
It's not a fun stage to be at in life.
But, I still like to buy shoes!!
Till next time, Judy


  1. Cute post. I guess I have never been that much into shoes. When I was in high school I had these cute hiking boots that I wore with my Villager wool shorts and sweater outfits....knee socks too. I couldn't wear them to school but it was my uniform out of school. And.....I bought them with my money as I worked from age 14 and never took any money from my parents.
    Anyways....I loved those boots.
    I have foot problems as well. I wear mostly crocs. I do like Clarks though.

  2. I loved high heels, the higher the better, and now I pay for it...

    Orthodics make a big dent in little strappy sandals..

    My theory is life is too short for sore feet....but I still love shoes also.


  3. Oh I feel the pain Judy, I have a board on Pinterest, "Shoes I Wish I Could Wear" I would love to get into a pair of heals, but can't physically do it, so I just drool over by pins instead!

  4. How I did it way back when...I just don't know. For 10 hours at work, on my feet up and down., and later, even with jeans! I think they actually made my feet and legs stronger. I wear no higher than 2 inch heels now and practice in them before I go out. And wedges are a wonderful invention. I don't worry so much about falling as I do about shiny floors and slipping. Lastly (does she ever shut up?!), I love shopping for shoes and there are a lot of cute flats out there, which I may post about next. :)


  5. Shoes have always been my thing but, alas like you with age and feet problems it's now tennis shoes most of the time. I have even instilled my shoe mania in my granddaughters - their parents are not impressed, lol... Oh, to be able t wear those awesome shoes again.......

  6. I'm probably one of the few women on earth that don't give diddly about shoes. Now house shoes, I like. They're comfy.

  7. Oh Judy I use to love cute shoes! Now with 'foot issues' also I wear Clarke's and other shoes with great support! fun to age!

    hugs, Linda

  8. I came right back to visit and I joined as a follower! I enjoyed this so much,



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