Thursday, February 28, 2013

Another Great Collectible!!

Do you remember the Victorian lunch pail that I showed a few weeks ago?  Guess what?  I found another one!!

This one is a different pattern.  I cannot believe that as old as these are that the cardboard containers that hold them are in as good a shape as they are.  The box that holds this is all handpainted.  At least, that's what it says on the bottom.  It is stamped Handpainted in Japan. Japan and Victorian???? I don't get that, but..........

The painting is very vibrant on this one.

This one has a really pretty border painted around the top of the box.


Till next time, Judy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

She Needs A Name!!

I have been wanting a dress form for a while, but they are always so expensive!!  So, last Fall, two guys that live down the street were having a Garage Sale and I spotted her.  I casually strolled up and trying not to act too eager, ask the price.  They looked at each other and one of them said, "How about $10.00?".  Score!!
I remember they were notorious for their Halloween parties and sure enough, she had on a witch's dress. 
So, I carted her home.
Now she needs a cute name, any suggestions?
She's very sturdy and has a rolling base that I will clean up and spray paint with Rubbed Oil Bronze.  I found an old, vintage finial that I think will fit on that piece coming out of the top.  But, overall, she's in good shape.  Especially for $10.00
I can not wait to share with you what I am going to do with her.  I will give you a peek in the next few weeks as I work on her because it is going to take a while to do.
But, for now, she needs a name.  Can you help?
Till next time, Judy

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

St. Patrick's Day and Easter Combined

Since St. Patrick's Day is only a few weeks away and Easter follows shortly thereafter, I decided to do a vignette with both holidays included.
I simply used my St. Pat's banner and my new ceramic rabbit filled with lime green filler.  Don't you think the two go good together?
Course, you can't have Spring without rabbits.  Let me give you a peek at the rabbits I'm working on for my Etsy shop.
They are made out of linen and appliqued with either vintage doilies and/or vintage hankerchiefs.  They have hand dyed crinkled seam binding around their neck accented with an old button.  Aren't they cute?
I've put several new Spring items on my Etsy -
Till next time, Judy

Monday, February 25, 2013


It's time for an announcement!!  I am so happy to announce that I will be a monthly contributor at Brenda's "Cozy Little House".
Brenda has graciously invited me along with three fantastic bloggers to be in on a monthly post over at her blog.
The contributors will be:
Andrea of "Opulent Cottage"
Elaine of "Sunny Simple Life"
Dawn of "Creative Cain Cabin"
and of course
Brenda of "Cozy Little House"
We will each pick a theme for a month and each of us will have a post about that theme.
Here is what Brenda has to say about this new adventure....
"Five women, four states and all living in different parts of the country.  Five completely varied homes - but, all loving the cottage, farmhouse and electic lifestyle.
We all enjoy decorating and go junking and transform furniture pieces we find on the curb.  We love a bargain and thrifting and repurposing old pieces and turning them into treasures".
We invite you to follow along on this journey.
I will have a short post here with a photo and you will be able to click over to Brenda's place to read the entire post and enjoy all of the photos.
Dawn starts out of March 7th and the topic will be
"Cozy Spaces".
Won't you please join us?
Till next time, Judy

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Easter Giveaway

How about an Easter Giveaway??? I have some bright, cheerful items to give away to get you ready for Easter and/or Spring.  Are you ready?
First, is an Easter banner made out of pennants all in bright colors.  We have Easter eggs, bunnies, chicks, jellybeans and all of the colors associated with Spring.
But wait, that's not all.....
A sweet little peat pot all decorated up with a jute handle.  It has green grass with a little vintage girl with dragonfly wings and a cheery lime green polka dotted ribbon trim.
But wait, that's not all......
This darling little hand made yellow bird sitting atop of a vintage wooden spool.  The spool has lace trim and a tiny little crocheted blossom.
To enter, just leave a comment below for your entry.  You may leave a comment on my blog each day for the next week and on Friday, March 1st, I will draw a winner from the weeks comments. 
If you would become a follower, I would appreciate it, but it is not a requirement for the giveaway!
I will mail out the items as soon as I get an address, so that you will have them in plenty of time for Easter!!
Till next time, Judy

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Treasures 2-23-2013

Wow, now I know for sure that I am on the mend.  I got to go for a very short time to the Tulsa Flea Market this morning!!  WooHoo!!
I went to look for a "cutter" quilt and found the one that my goodies are laying on.  Then I found the one in the background.  I decided real quickly that the first one was in too good of a shape to cut up, so will show you in a few days what I'm going to do with the other one.
I found these four little wooden frames and they are deep - like shadowboxes.  Found a set of crystal salt shaker (salt included at no extra cost), and these four beautiful, vintage, silver knives.  The handles are just gorgeous!
Talk about something with character - this tureen with lid is so discolored that the bottom is a completely different color.  It is a darker shade - I assume that maybe it was used alot more without the lid than with it???  But it is really pretty.
I found this child's set of brown patterned dishes.  There was only one cup, but several shallow bowls and several plates. The plates are only about 4" in diameter.  The right photo shows the pattern.  Also, a small very used white dish - maybe a butter pat dish?
It felt so good to be outside and the sun was shining.  Now, back to work. 
Be sure and check in tomorrow for a new GIVEAWAY!!
Till next time, Judy

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cherished Treasures

Don't you just love the rich, regal cobalt blue on vintage pieces of china?  I sure do.  The color is so deep and vibrant.
Some of these were my Mom's and some I have picked up.  I know the little pitcher and the tray that the birds are sitting on are Bavarian China.
I love this old bowl because of the crazing and dark color.  It must have been used alot.  I like to just keep old tarnished silver spoons in it.
The birds are a cheerful reminder that Spring is not far off!
Till next time, Judy

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm Back!


I am finally back after almost two weeks in bed.  I am hoping that I won't have all of that crud again!!

I am working on alot of exciting new Spring items for my Etsy shop and decided it was time to plan another GIVEAWAY!! So, for the next few days I will be working on items for a new giveaway, so stay tuned.

Thank you to all of you who wrote me sweet "get well" wishes while I was ill.  I really do appreciate it.

Till next time, Judy


Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Belated Valentines Day!!

I wish I could say that 
I spent Valentine's Day on a romantic getaway with my dear husband, BUT,
Instead I spent the morning at the Urgent Care Center.

I have strep throat, double ear infection and a sinus infection.  Not fun!

So, I'll be back in a couple of days when my medicine kicks in.

Hope you had a great day.

Till next time, Judy
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Getting Ready for Spring

I am getting ready for Spring!!  I am spending the next few cold, snowy, dreary, dreaded days working on new items for my Etsy @ 20 North Ora. (Can you sense that I'm not a winter person?)
Above you will see one of my new projects - a burlap table runner with a bunny stenciled on each end.  It has a minty green polka dotted ruffle and a banding of ecru colored crocheted lace.  Wouldn't it be cute for Easter or just for Spring time? 
We have had a dreary, cold rain all day and now it's sleeting and snow is supposedly on it's way.  YUCK!!  That's the bad news, however, it's suppose to be in the 50's by Friday, so if we do get snow, it'll be gone by then.
So, I'm just going to stay inside and sew, sew, and sew.
Just a note of Congratulations to my precious granddaughter Tiffany.  She was blessed with a wonderful job in a doctor's office today and starts tomorrow.  She finished college in December and has been hoping for the right job to come along and she thinks this is it.  I am so proud of her.  We had the priviledge of raising her and her sister Brittany from an early age and it was such a fun experience - especially after raising an onery boy!  LOL
But we are so excited as she starts this new part of her life.
Love you Tiffany and again, congratulations.
Till next time, Judy

Monday, February 11, 2013

Months by Colors???

Most people go by holidays and colors, but, me??  I go months by colors.  Get it? 
We all associate February with red.  Red hearts, red roses, red for Cancer awareness, etc.  So, I just think of February as RED.
Next comes March which is GREEN.

Of course we all think of St. Patricks Day when we think of March.
Then we move into April which is, generally, Easter (even tho it comes in March this year).  We think of PASTELS and BRIGHT COLORS for April.
So, see, it's not totally crazy when you actually stop and think about it - Months by Color.
Now, want a quickie craft project for Valentines?  And I do mean quick and easy!!
Here's a cute picture with magnets on back to put your child/grandchild's picture in.
You need:
Package of Sweethearts (4 in pkg. at Dollar Tree)
Magnetic Strips
Using sharp scissors, cut out inside the heart on the front - leaving a small mat of the pink heart.  In other words, cut out where it says Rock Star.
Tape a photo inside the box centering it.  I made a photocopy of this print to use.
Apply magnetic strips to the back.
Put on your refrigerator and admire the precious child/children!!
Till next time, Judy
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday Treasures

Actually, this was Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Treasures.  I went to Estate Sales on Wednesday and Friday and then to the Flea Market on Saturday.
I found some interesting items.  Some neat old glass custard cups, a wooden doll, a porcelain doll, a sack full of very colorful vintage hankies, a mini shadow box frame, and some cocktail napkins with funny sayings on them.
I found linens and lace (naturally - I can smell them out when I walk into a home), a big bunch of vintage silver and look at the gorgeous wood carving I found.  Won't that be beautiful up over a door or window?  It is in perfect condition.
In the bunch of silver, I got this unusual butter knife.  I am not sure if you can tell or not, but the handle is turned a different angle than the blade????  My friend, Dorothy, said she had seen some of these before but I never had.
I found this teensy tiny little gold cigarette lighter.  Don't know what I'll do with it, but it's so tiny, it's cute.  It's only about 1 1/2" round.
I also bought this darling scissor holder made out of an old quilt and accented with fabric yoyos.  Isn't it cute?
And now my piece de resistance!!
Piece de resistance: _n.
(1.  the principal or most outstanding item in a series)
Look at my Radio Flyer Red Wagon.  I have wanted one for a long time to use in the back yard for flowers.  Isn't it sweet?  It will look great with my Coca Cola piece and my little bicycle I am going to paint all red!!
I am so excited about it!!
Till next time, Judy

Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm A Winner!!

Hooray!! I was a winner!!
A few weeks ago, Susan and Bentley of
had a giveaway and I won!!
I received this precious little chippy birdhouse and the little rusty bird as a gift.  When it came in the mail, I was so excited. Since I've been ready for Spring for several months now, it just added to my Spring fever.
Aren't they darling?
Thank you Susan and Bentley.  Be sure and visit her sweet blog.  It is one of the highlights of my day.  She always has a great post.
Would you like to see a real quickie project?
These are so simple that I'm almost embarrased to show them to you.
These are the binder clips you find at any office store - these came from Office Depot.  I bought one package in red and black and found a box of yellow ones on sale, so I got them also (that Spring thing again).
These are the large ones.  The yellow one has a rub-on design of pennants, the dog one has some tape that has paw prints on it and the Valentine one has a small silver heart glued to it.
I thought these would make cute little gifts - especially if you had teen age girls. Or, if you had a special photo you wanted to give someone - this would just be a little extra.
Till next time, Judy

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chirp! Chirp!

Made a cute little chick last night while watching television.  He's made out of the pale yellow wool felt and is mounted on two wooden spools.  I then made a tag saying "Chirp" and pinned on him with a safety pin.

I put him under a cupcake cloche and added little sprays of yellow berries around the cloche.
I think he made me feel better!! It's dark, rainy and gloomy today so I needed a little perk-me-up.
Thanks to all of you for the good comments on my impending kitchen redo.  Now, I'm nervous because I really am committed to doing it in the next few months.
Okay Judy - you can do it!!
You can do it""
Till next time, Judy
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Me - An Interior Designer??

If you walked into my home, you would probably never guess that I was an Interior Designer.  When we bought our home many, many, many years ago, we redid our kitchen cabinets.  They are all solid wood and we put the trim on them, restained them a dark wood tone and added new hardware.
And they haven't been touched since!!
Would you believe that I have Harvest Gold Formica and a Harvest Gold sink?
So, my Spring project is to repaint my kitchen cabinets, get new countertops, new faucet and new floor.
I'm saying this because I have said this for the last twenty years and now, my friends just say "yea, sure".  So, if I commit to you all out there, maybe it'll really get done.
The shocker isn't going to be what I'm going to do but rather what colors I'm using!!! Did I raise your curiosity?
This is a project for later on this Spring but stay tuned.  Now, I'm committed!
Love the different colors of paint...not too much red...not too much white
(I'm not using the green, rather the gold.)

Till next time, Judy

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spring Is Coming

Spring is definitely on it's way!! (I say that knowing that the worse snow and cold we ever had here in Oklahoma was the end of March - but let's just say I'm optimistic this year.)
While out playing with Bella, I notice the ivy is turning a bright green.  A great improvement from the dark, gray green it has been all winter.
This is what I have been up to today.  I'm trying to get my Etsy orders filled and I cut out 8-10 pillows out of my new printed burlap fabric.  There are all kinds of interesting prints.  These will be fun pillows.  I LOVE to make pillows.
So, be sure and tune in tomorrow.  I'm getting excited about some home redo I'm preparing to do.
Till next time, Judy


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